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  1. Kleetus

    BIG MPG'S w/HeAtInG OiL

    Fair enough... But you're right. It would be pretty silly to heat with something that "pollutes" the atmosphere... oh wait, this is the fed we're talking about. Railroads are still using 1992 in their engines, because that fuel won't chew up the injectors in the locomotives. I believe they have...
  2. Kleetus

    BIG MPG'S w/HeAtInG OiL

    Wow... that's an interesting take on it. You hate a thief, but yet you'll support it? This is probably going to come across way worse than I intended it to...
  3. Kleetus

    Accufab Elbow ???

    Yeah I agree... I'll call BS on that too. No way will a friggin' elbow give you 2 MPG. Unless the factory one had a sock stuck in it or something.
  4. Kleetus

    Question This is nuts!!

    Maybe the guy screwed with the egr and goofed up one of the o-rings, and it's leaking past now?
  5. Kleetus

    BIG MPG'S w/HeAtInG OiL

    We're not gaining anything but a fatter Al Gore... and he was pretty big to begin with. God I hate liberals. Most likely they are probably cracked when the sulfur is removed. The environmental (key word MENTAL) movement in this country, led by 3 wack jobs, is out of control. Started with our...
  6. Kleetus

    Question This is nuts!!

    EGR goofing up... I've heard of the motor going quiet with the egr misbehaving. That would also account for the smoke... no air in the exhaust gas. Was the EGR serviced while they were in there? Could be time for a cleaning, 'specially if you had injector problems...
  7. Kleetus

    2004 F350 4x4 frt drv sd rattle

    worn spring shackle?
  8. Kleetus

    BIG MPG'S w/HeAtInG OiL

    Hate to day it, but he's probably not lying... Part of the process of removing the sulfur also takes some of the heavy aromatics out of the fuel. When you loose the heavy oils, you loose heat, you lose heat, you loose power. yeah, they can add lubricity agents to kinda help not destroy the fuel...
  9. Kleetus


    Just pray the bungee on the hood doesn't close the hood on you when you're in there working on it... that would leave a mark in both you and the hood!
  10. Kleetus

    EGR issues? Take a look at this:

    What are the odds of this?? Go to the link for the street view, and tell me what kind of truck is in the picture? 4741 Baum Blvd, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 - Google Maps
  11. Kleetus

    EGR issues? Take a look at this:

    Thanks guys! Baum Blvd is my closest, but it's pretty much in the ghetto outside of oakland. I'll get a jug or two worth and do the premix thing and go from there. Thanks again
  12. Kleetus


    Wow dude, yeah, that's a bad week alright. Have you looked at your u-joints? could have one starting to go dry, or maybe a carrier bearing if you're an extended wheelbase. I'd expect vibration but never can tell...
  13. Kleetus

    EGR issues? Take a look at this:

    Agreed... its' like the STP commercials... any independents that check that junk say the same thing... doesn't do squat. Speaking of biodiesel, is there a site that shows where the stuff is available? I live in western PA, and as far as I know, no one around here sells it. Suggestions?
  14. Kleetus

    fuel supplement???

    Not to argue, but I ran the Cetane boost a couple of tanks... didn't see anything change on mine. I'd like to know how they can design an engine to run a fuel that isn't available. I mean really...
  15. Kleetus

    foul smell in cab, no power, hissing noise

    Over here... somethings wrong here - Competition Diesel.Com - Bringing The BEST Together
  16. Kleetus


    Eh... okay... you might be due then lol...
  17. Kleetus

    Blown Inter Cooler

    If it had a restriction in it, that could give it some problems. But that would have had to have been a manufacturing defect. if it had a leak, I'd think you'd have heard it, and yeah, that would give you less power out of it. How common? No clue there.
  18. Kleetus


    Well... okay... but seems odd the box would go all of a sudden. Normally it's a leak that takes those out, not a mechanical failure. Not to say it's not possible. Again, I'd try cheap parts first. Besides how many miles are on this rig?
  19. Kleetus

    foul smell in cab, no power, hissing noise

    Thought this was answered on another board? Guess there was a cracked or broken up pipe to the turbo... that would account for the hiss, and generally obnoxious fumes.
  20. Kleetus


    Have you checked the alignment? It it wants to go past center from a turn, I'm almost wondering if something shifted on you. But the comment above about changing the damper would be the first place to start. Without knowing the mileage on the truck, I'd bet that would tighten things up...
  21. Kleetus


    bad relief valve in the pump maybe? System overpressure? How are your brakes? Overly touchy or same?
  22. Kleetus

    4lo no go

    Yeah, that's interesting too, because I thought you actually HAD to be moving, under 5 mph to get it to go into low... Well it works, so wonderful! I like my stick on the floor...
  23. Kleetus

    just thinking here BUT!!!!!

    You didn't read my qualifier... a turbo and blower of the same output. Work is work. Desktop dyno is a neat tool I've messed with it a number of times. Pretty cool stuff. Also, are we looking for average power that you can use while pulling, or peak power that the engine spends less than 5% of...

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