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  1. Black06

    Whistle Wanna-be ...

    My addiction for the whistle from the exhaust continues to grow. At present I've got a AFE Proguard 7 replacement filter, 4" MBRP duals (straight) and a Superchip. Other improvements to consider ?
  2. Black06

    New - Sound - As is well ?

    Noted an interesting sound while driving (radio must be off to hear), but almost sounds the same as the sound when the glow-plugs are heating - right before she kicks-over. Does that same relay that fires the glow-plugs continue cycling during normal operation ? Looking for some diesel...
  3. Black06

    High Water Temp Scare

    Returning from weekend of camping pulling 10,000 lb. travel trailer. Midway through trip I was caught in a traffic jam where the next few miles were a steady uphill grade. Climbed for several minutes - 2,600 rpm + 25 lbs boost (I've made this trip a dozen times with no issue). Just...
  4. Black06

    draining seperator on a 2006

    My filters got saturated one time from what must have been a bad load of fuel. After endless draining I finally gave in and changed the filters. Problem gone. Hope this works for you.
  5. Black06

    6.0L Exhaust Thermocouple Install

    Unable to find a Wiki on the installation of the thermocouple/gauges. Anyone able to link me with complete install instructions? :thanks
  6. Black06

    Accessing Radio for Removal

    Anyone have a link on how to remove the radio ? 2006 F350 without the typical four (4) holes in the front of the radio. I'm certain it's fastened with screws behind the instrument panel, but how to get the panel off ? Thanks.
  7. Black06

    Ipod Interface - 6 disk factory indash CD

    Looking for a way to interface my Ipod with the factory 6-disk CD player - 2006 Superduty. Most of the devices I've seen require a Sat./Navigation or remote CD connection which I don't have. Looking for some direction. Thanks
  8. Black06

    Not happy with MBRP System

    I second the contact of the downpipe to the cab --- drove me nuts. I had to loosen the connection at the turbo to allow the downpipe to move freely. Climb underneath and using a pry (I used a 2 x 4 section) move the downpipe and wedge it between the contact point and the downpipe. Climb up...
  9. Black06

    Alternator Failed - 2006 F350

    Just ran a test: Conditions: Air conditioning on/ radio on/ headlights on = 13.0 V whether idling or 2,000 rpm. Alternator is 3 days old. Would this be considered normal ? Thanks
  10. Black06

    Alternator Failed - 2006 F350

    Dave, Lights were on when driving - 13.6V max. (radio, A/C off).
  11. Black06

    Alternator Failed - 2006 F350

    On the way in to work this morning, with all accessories off (but lights), I peaked at 14.0v, and steadied at 13.6v for the remainder of the trip. This is a brand-new alternator (changed under warranty) with fully charged batteries on the trickle-charge over the past two (2) nights. With...
  12. Black06

    Alternator Failed - 2006 F350

    Now that I have my new toy, what voltage should be displayed when engine running and all accessories (A/C, radio, lights, etc...) off ? Thanks
  13. Black06

    Alternator Failed - 2006 F350

    I think I'll trickle-charge overnight, and monitor over the next few days. Thanks
  14. Black06

    Alternator Failed - 2006 F350

    Ordered the voltage meter for future reference - thanks again. :sweet Question: I've driven only fifty (50) miles since truck was returned with the new alternator, however noticed that the battery indicator light continues to show green/red. Though the dealer suggests a load check was...
  15. Black06

    Alternator Failed - 2006 F350

    Thanks for the links.
  16. Black06

    Alternator Failed - 2006 F350

    Thanks. Voltage regulator would explain it. Truck is a daily driver so she doesn't sit at all.
  17. Black06

    Alternator Failed - 2006 F350

    Recently returned from a weekend 400 miles North - pulled like a charm. Two (2) days after returning, she refused to start. Buddy with a Chevy jump started her (still rather push a Ford), as both batteries dead (indicator light confirmed both RED) ! ? ! Common sense tells me alternator...
  18. Black06

    Ring gear Diameter

    2006 FX4 Single with a 3.73. Wondering what what the ring diameter is ?
  19. Black06

    Can I run BioDiesel ?

    Local high volume diesel station is conducting a pole of diesel owners interest in biodiesel. Anything in my opinion to reduce our reliance on foreign oil is a plus; so I'm in.:sweet Questions: 1. Can my 2006 readily accept biodiesel, or will modifications be required ? 2. Should I...
  20. Black06

    Replacing factory 20" tires

    Right foot is causing excessive tire wear, and I know that at this rate I won't want to go through another Michigan winter on original rubber. Any recommendations on a taller/wider combination. At present, I believe the factor rubber is 275/65. I've added a 2" level to the front, so I'd...
  21. Black06

    Towing - Straight Pipe

    Hopefully I don't experience the same noise issue with the MBRP duals exiting from the sides. I can see how shooting straight back at the camper may be a problem --- every underpass in my area is a cause for a throttle-blip, but for an extended haul, this may irritate my co-pilot. Aside...
  22. Black06

    MBRP exhaust w/o muffler & converter

    Just installed muffler delete for 4" MBRP cool duals (completely straight). Oustanding sound. Interior noise has changed minimally (radio is off listening for anything), but loud when you put your foot into it. 3000rpm sounds like a muscle-car; 2000rpm (8psi) has a nice rumble. Turbo...
  23. Black06

    Towing - Straight Pipe

    Installed without issue. Interior noise - no difference. When you put your foot in it, it sounds like a big-block 60's with a glass-pack. Turbo whine is fantastic at all speeds. 65mph on the highway with the radio off, just to hear the turbo spool-up and down. At idle, I can't tell...

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