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  1. J

    Like they say: when it rains, it pours!!

    TG you are in our prayers.
  2. J

    I'm Really, Totally Done Now!!

    And a very well done to you. You've earned it.
  3. J

    1,020,000 Miles

    That is fantastic. There is hope for the rest of us.
  4. J

    Question Bama

    My son is at Ft. Benning ,Ga. He called and said he was OK. It got hit also.
  5. J

    I'm done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Way to go. Don't over think the federal tests. I'm sure that you'll do fine.
  6. J

    Where I'm working now.

    Tail Gunner, Way to go. Your schooling is going to good use. Keep it up.
  7. J


    I agree with Bad Night on this.
  8. J

    I Saw Some Nice WWII Planes Today

    As I remember the " Sentimenal Journey's home field is Falcon field in Mesa, Arizona. I also own a P-38 ------ Can opener, aquired it in basic training and I still use it once in a while.
  9. J

    Help Needed Vibration sound

    I vote with BIG JOE on this one. It cost me 1 drive shaft and the transmission tailshaft housing.:eek: Hope this helps. Joe
  10. J

    Home, home on the Range...

    Nice place. It looks like there is alot of dinner on the hoof there. I like it.
  11. J

    fuel leak

    It could be the O rings on the drain valve. If it is it's an easy fix. Mine leaked both out of the drain line and into the valley. Removed the drain valve and and gathered the Orings ,went to the local Hydraulic supply (they have a massive supply of O rings) and bought viton rings . reinstalled...
  12. J

    Clutch Bleeding

    Push the clutch pedal down very slowly then ,when at the floor sidestep the pedal. do this 6 or 7 times and see if it helps.
  13. J

    Modified Exhaust

    One of the first places to look is your states vehicle codes. They dictate what is or is not leagle on the exhaust systems. Alot of the time it is the noise that a vehicle can make and the smog control equiptment that must be on the vehicle for it to qualify as a roadable vehicle for the state...
  14. J

    DRW to SRW conversion

    I saw a dually that someome had put some wide( 18" ) Mickey Tompson street tires on the rear. They fit in the wheel wells.
  15. J

    Merry Christmas Everyone..

    From all of us to all of you, Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
  16. J

    Rain, Rain, Rain....

    UPDATE: I-5 is open they( the radio station ) made a mistake. One of the roads going to I-5 is flooded.
  17. J

    Rain, Rain, Rain....

    It has been raining all night here in Bakersfield and sometimes light and sometimes heavy. There are some roads closed and some intersections that have water rearend deep on a tall Indian. I - 5 is closed just south of town do to flooding this is before the Grapevine. This info just came...
  18. J

    Announcement RIP, Don Meredith

    " THE PARTY'S OVER" Rip, Don Meredith
  19. J

    How much DCA4?

    As I remember for a complete change out of coolant and flush it takes 4 pints. (bottles that Ford sells). Just to keep at recomended charge use test strips and add as needed. Hope this helps. Joe
  20. J

    Hissing dropping pressure when cold

    My truck does the same thing ,until throughly warmed up ( about 10 min.)then it stops doing it. Only happens when it's below 40 F.
  21. J


    Try E-Bay motors I've gotten some Toyota parts there at a fair price.
  22. J

    In case you had a bad day...

    Man, that would be an "Ah Chit" monent for me. Glad the damage wasn't worse.
  23. J

    Texas Rangers Beat Tampa Bay Rays!!!!

    Remember the last time they had the world series in San Fran they had a earthquake.
  24. J

    Update DieselSite coolant filter

    I have a DieselsSite coolant filter on my Early 99 Superduty. I installed it when I changed the water pump at 125K. The only problen I had was clearance on the drivers side Battery. Just loosened the radiator and shifted it about 1/4 inch. I change filters every other oil change, About 6K. At...
  25. J



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