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  1. 6LMonster

    Take the Nerd test

    It says that I am a Cool Nerd...:tongue2
  2. 6LMonster

    My Dealer window sticker

    We bought our Excursion used in Jan of 2006. When we test drove it the window sticker was in the glove box. BUT, when we picked it up to take it home, it was gone! :(
  3. 6LMonster

    Brake controller

    The Prodigy from Tekonsha will get you what you need. Great controller. Plug it in and tow. It is good for up to 4 axles.
  4. 6LMonster

    Fuel System Mods questions

    Will the "washer method" work for us OBS guys?
  5. 6LMonster


    What is the 10k Mod?!
  6. 6LMonster

    Serious Turbo Lag...

    On our '05 X it seems that it is experiencing some serious turbo lag. It never used to be this bad, so I am thinking that the CAT is starting to clog. Anyone else have any input???:dunno Might be time to kill the kitty!:sweet
  7. 6LMonster

    Cat Delete Pipe for Stock System?!?

    Thanks Bush! Just got it ordered!:thumbs
  8. 6LMonster

    Cat Delete Pipe for Stock System?!?

    I figured you guys could help me find this. I am looking for a Cat Delete pipe for a stock 3.5" system. I have found plenty for 4" and 5" systems, but nothing for a 3.5" system.
  9. 6LMonster

    Changing The Serpentine Belt

    Will you hear the bearings going (via screeching) or will they just go?
  10. 6LMonster

    Changing The Serpentine Belt

    Great news, guys! Thanks. I just didn't want to change it and then find out later that something was out of whack!
  11. 6LMonster

    Changing The Serpentine Belt

    Hey Guys, Just checking in about changing my Serp Belt. I can just swap it out, right? There is nothing I need to time, correct?!?
  12. 6LMonster

    What are the signs of a failing TC?

    Russ, I am experiencing the exact same thing you are! From gears 2 to 3. Let me know what you find out! Tony, If 3rd gear is slipping, what is the fix? New Tranny?
  13. 6LMonster

    Loose Tailgate?!

    Great thanks alot.... I never knew those were adjustable!
  14. 6LMonster

    Loose Tailgate?!

    Your talking about the studs that the tailgate latches to, right?
  15. 6LMonster

    Dash pad/bumper

    Beat me to it...I was going to post a link to LMC as well!
  16. 6LMonster

    Loose Tailgate?!

    Okay guys on my 96 F-250 the tailgate closes and latches securely, but doesn't close tight. There is a significant amount of play in it when closed. All the rubber bumpers appear to be in good shape. Is there anyway to tighten this up? Thanks, 6LMonster:thanks
  17. 6LMonster

    Tranny Slipping?!?

    Is there anything I can do to help this situation??
  18. 6LMonster

    Tranny Slipping?!?

    I think you are right. The TC is locking up after the second "shift" because the RPMs drop and it is almost like the truck bogs down a little. So...what would this mean? Bad TC?
  19. 6LMonster

    Tranny Slipping?!?

    Just a quick question: When my '96 shifts from 2nd to 3rd it "Shifts" then 3 or 4 seconds later it thumps into gear?!? Just a little confused. I have 122k on the truck. You feel it shift from 2nd to 3rd then it is followed by a secondary shift?!? Weird. Help!:thanks
  20. 6LMonster

    Bending Pinch Weld..!?

    Well, the sawzall method worked like a champ! All is well now.
  21. 6LMonster

    Not happy with MBRP System

    MBRP system is doing good now! My downpipe was slightly misalligned with the turbo outlet, causing it to leak, which in-turn, caused a really annoying whistle! Also, got the pinch weld bent farther out of the way, no more resonance. Thanks for all your help guys!
  22. 6LMonster

    Bending Pinch Weld..!? that is a good idea! I will try that in the morning. Slotting the pinch weld will make it a lot easier to bend it out of the way.:thanks
  23. 6LMonster

    Bending Pinch Weld..!?

    I am trying to bend the pinch weld back on my 96 to fit a 3" downpipe. Anybody have any tips??? It is just hard to get to.
  24. 6LMonster

    how to trick the PCM?????

    This is a good site: SUPER BRIGHT LEDS home
  25. 6LMonster

    Not happy with MBRP System

    I will probably try to work on it some tonight or tomorrow.

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