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  1. haulin8or

    reminder as to why to be Too heavy

    This "#1" comment made me laugh so hard I had tears coming out :roflmao :roflmao :roflmao :roflmao Made my Friday man! :sweet
  2. haulin8or

    reminder as to why to be Too heavy

    :roflmao Hey Robert, looks like this guys #1 as well!!
  3. haulin8or

    Yes, anothe newbie question...

    Welcome aboard the board! Dollars to those round things with holes in them that it is you fan! Careful you don't suck in a little Fiat when it engages. :wow
  4. haulin8or

    reminder as to why to be Too heavy

    Nuff said there, no argument from me on that one :sweet I have never seen so many 'left-lane huggers' in my entire life! It's like there is a permanent 'left-lane drivers convention' goin' on there! They don't like you passing them either, they speed up on you when you do :nutkick: :guns...
  5. haulin8or


    If I wanted a quiet diesel I would have bought a Jetta. In a truck, ya gotta let the little people know whats comin'. Plus, I like to wake all the other campers up if I pull in late, I should not be the only one awake! :drive
  6. haulin8or

    Making a square hole

    Square hole, square bit... :sorry I would go with a Dremel tool with a cutting wheel, not a cutting bit. Cutting bits can get away from you but the wheels are easier to control. :sweet
  7. haulin8or


    :roflmao :roflmao :roflmao :D Good one! My wife must have really small hands! or... :thumbs :sly
  8. haulin8or

    Guy Rules.....

    :lmao Hey, I'm used to campin'! :sweet :freezing Man, did that ALL hit the nail on the head. It's amazing that after 16 years of marriage, you start to think you are the only one going thru all that kinda' crap! Good to hear every other guy has these issues too :thumbs Is my wife...
  9. haulin8or

    its demolition derby time!!!!!!!

    Hey!, good stuff I like it! Can't beat free advertisin'!!!:thumbs
  10. haulin8or

    thursday morning slowdown

    Now that was funny :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao
  11. haulin8or

    Stock wheel bends easily?

    You sure that little car that tried to run you off the road recently didn't cause it? :D I know, I know, you got hit in the front and you said the wheel problem was rear left... I could not resist though, it's late, I'm tired and punchy:woo Goin' to bed now...
  12. haulin8or

    True American

    Well said John! :usa ;tu
  13. haulin8or

    One more Laugh ..............Maybe

    :eek: I just got fired sending this around, at work! :doh: Just kiddin' :innocent
  14. haulin8or

    One more Laugh ..............Maybe

    :D That one's goin' round the office right now! :sweet
  15. haulin8or

    Hump Day Funny...

    :roflmao That was good! :sweet
  16. haulin8or

    New truck w/ bad turbo??????

    Welcome to SDD. I would not worry about too much. Ford will make it right and when they do, you will fall head over heals with your 6.0. Sometimes they just gotta get the kinks out :sweet
  17. haulin8or


    Welcome! A fellow SDD camper!:thumbs Enjoy the site.
  18. haulin8or

    200? F-150 Diesel

    They would be wise to put that in the new longer Expy as well :sweet Although, I don't think the frame, suspension and brakes would be enough for my current rig. I wonder if they will have a 'beefier' tow package version for the diesel model?
  19. haulin8or

    First I've Seen

    Thats the way I understand it. The new sulfer standard will be 15 ppm! (why bother to put any in at that point) Yes, the stickers are out early to warn the 2007 people, however, I read that by 2010 ALL diesel fuel refined in the US will have to meet the new ultra-low standard. Here is the...
  20. haulin8or

    First I've Seen

    :roflmao I have not seen the environmentalists running around plugging up all the active volcanos either! I would love to see that article Robert! :roflmao Seriously, though, where do you buy that DZL-PEP stuff at? Unless I missed it, I could not find it for sale on the website. :dunno
  21. haulin8or

    First I've Seen

    So lets get this straight. :confused: They take a vital component out, charge more for it and force you to purchase a product to make up for the deficiency which, essentially, puts the product back to it's original state?? Yep, sounds like a gov't program. -mad Sounds like the whole damn...
  22. haulin8or

    I think I would get a gun...

    OK, I'm a little late to the party on this one but, what the :censored: was that all about?? Some people sitting around a conference table thought that was a great idea? AND released it! :roflmao :roflmao :roflmao :roflmao :clap: :lmao
  23. haulin8or

    Water And Wine

    I'll be picking up a case of that 'dietary supplement' on the way home tonight! Thank you Pete for your unselfish Public Service:clap: :notworthy

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