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  1. S

    any other ATF synthetic that is Diesel approved?

    Looking for some darn ATF fluid that is Diesel approved and synthetic other then Mobil 1. Everythign I am finding now says mercon V.
  2. S

    Got everythign for the MOD party but 3 things.

    Both good points! Ill be back from Alabama Thursday night so I got oneday to get the atf... I know I know.....
  3. S

    Got everythign for the MOD party but 3 things.

    Thanks Whatabudro, I shoudl get the pipe Friday no problems, my only real challenge is getting some synthetic ATF fluids! Wal-mart carry any anyone know?
  4. S

    Got everythign for the MOD party but 3 things.

    1: 4 inch long 4 inch ID steel pipe.... Ill get this froma muffler shop Friday 2: ATF synthetic transmission fluid, Wher elocaly can I get this?? 3 Beer Ill get that on my way! Yall need anythign extra to be brought with me?
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    Only one thing I hate about my truck!!

    jvencius, I checked the bolts and everything back there is tight! 95_Stroker DAMn didnt even dawn on me to look at the floor pan.. Now how the heck would I check and then fix that???
  6. S

    Only one thing I hate about my truck!!

    On the driver side rear, When the truck gets some articulation IE curb or just turning to the left or right and some lean I hear a funky clunk coming from inside the truck like the backseat??? Anyone have any idea what may cause this???? Like you have something heavy and it slides into...
  7. S

    Tranny Cooler?

    Hmm 70$ and not have to worry about the Dang heat here in Dallas.. Ill see if a site sponsor has it at that price first
  8. S

    Tranny Cooler?

    Any gues on what size I need?
  9. S

    Tranny Cooler?

    Since the weak lilnk on a F20 is the Tranny would atru cool tranny cooler be of any use for dailey driving in Dallas? I wont be towing very often or very Far, but Im thinking a 50$ tranny cooler wouldnt hurt anything?:thumbs
  10. S

    Blue CPS

    Lone Star, I ordered mine and should get it this week, Ill do a side beside comparison, with you.
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    Any where to get the blue cps local?

    DANG nothing came up in Ohh well Ill just order one at some point!
  12. S

    Any where to get the blue cps local?

    jvencius, Thanks, I plan swapping and keeping the old one for a spare
  13. S

    Any where to get the blue cps local?

    Any where to get the blue cps local?
  14. S

    PIE for XM

    Yeah so far Im likling my roady 1 much better then this Myfi! Yep got the signial maxxed out I just dont understand I got eh direct line and it goes radio antenna to Direct line to XM line to radio line grrrr
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    PIE for XM

    CHP, Did you have to turn off your Mifi to listen to your stock radio? I get bad static in this install compared to my roady which I could still have on and listen to the radio, but it was after market headunit. I have to actually turn off the Myfi to listen to the regular radio, and...
  16. S

    I hate cats........

    I have had Cat Sctratch fever 3 times, and 3 surgeys,, KILL IIIITTT!!!! Mine had to be removed from my under arm 3 times.... Cats have the second most disgusting mouth alive.. Humans first... Hmm maybe the Komdo dragon is first I cant remember at...
  17. S

    PIE for XM

    Fire, Thats why Itied mine into the CIG lighter behind the dash by stripping some of the wire going into the CIG that way it got what it was goign to anyway. It worked very well for me. I have XM in my boat too, and its only Modulated, but at higher volume you can hear some static roll in...
  18. S

    PIE for XM

    Thanks CHP! I see you didnt tie it into anything? Just ran the Cig lighter power adapter around? If you want a claner look you can do 1 of two things. 1. buy the direct connect package ( best buy 30$ ) and it has a second power adapter you can connect through a second power source...
  19. S

    PIE for XM

    ACKK no PIC! I installed XM in my jeep was fairly easy, I tied the AUX power from the PIE into my CIG lighter, where did you ti yours into ? IE with dash off stripped the CIG lighter power wires and ties it into the wires there instead of pluggin ginto the dash.
  20. S

    Which Exhaust?

    Mark dont worry im ordering from you!!
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    PIE for XM

    CHP, Did you have to take the radio OUT to get the dash off? and where are the clips onthe dask to pop off th edash?
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    Which Exhaust?

  23. S

    Which Exhaust?

    Hmm, Chip Or Exhaust first? I have the DIY Mod for the intake, which IMO is the best I have seen so far for price!
  24. S

    Which Exhaust?

    I know I am getting the DP-tunner chip, But which exhaust? the MBRP ?? 4 inch or 5 inch? Edit and where to get it at a good price?

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