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  1. R

    Can anyone fill me in on replacing my 2001 F-350 headlights with a newer Ford headlight? Which...

    Can anyone fill me in on replacing my 2001 F-350 headlights with a newer Ford headlight? Which models will fit,and is the process easy? Also,how is the door seal mod done? Thanks & Happy Holidays PSD friends !
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    Question Stock 7.3 turbo down pipe replacement

    Bretthousewright--thanks for the help on my exhaust ! can you fill me in on some of the Lingo on our site? Hope these Questions are not too silly!What is door seal mods and the intake wrap mods? I have drilled out the panel (zodad?) beside the radiator to let more air into the intake box and...
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    Question Stock 7.3 turbo down pipe replacement

    Has anyone replaced their stock 7.3 (3.5 inch) turbo down pipe with w MBRP 4 inch pipe? I have a stock straight exhaust(no muffler) 3.5 inch pipe on my 2001 F-350 S-Duty that works really well,but heard the stock 3.5 inch down pipe was too restrictive. I can order one for less than $100,but can...
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    2001 F250 7.3 Performance upgrade advice

    Racinghcr-2001 F-350 PSD Supercab :)Big Joe,THanks again for the fuel (2 stroke oil) tip,I'll try it on our trip South! I guess I've already drilled out my fiberglass obstruction to my air snorkle ,and didn't know ZooDad was the "official" name for it!! Thanks for the safe trip wishes, Racinghcr
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    2001 F250 7.3 Performance upgrade advice

    Racinghcr-2001 F-350 PSD Supercab Anyone have a good suggestions on anti-freeze /anti-bubble changes? I got about 80K on my 2001 7.3,and have added the Ford anti-bubble??? treatment every 20K. Still looks good ,never overheated,or been low on coolant----would you change now before my pull to...
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    2001 F250 7.3 Performance upgrade advice

    Racinghcr-2001 F-350 PSD Supercab Big Joe: I'm hooking up my 2001/350 /7.3L tomorrow to my 14K FIFTHWHEEL headed to Fla(1,200miles)-with my 38 Gal fuel tank full would you add the 2 stroke oil now? PS-just added a Ford aluminum rear gear cover to replace old rusty steel original-only $43.00...
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    2001 F250 7.3 Performance upgrade advice

    Racinghcr-2001 F-350 PSD Supercab :clap:BigBear-Appreciate the tips on my 01 7.3 PSD! Just add the 2 stroke motor oil to the fuel on a fill up??
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    2001 F250 7.3 Performance upgrade advice

    95_Stroker: Great tips,and your advice will certainly get me on the road with a more fuel efficient,better performing 7.3 PSD!! Thanks & Happy Hoildays
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    2001 F250 7.3 Performance upgrade advice

    95 Stroker-first time on this site! Can you suggest any fuel/performance mods for my 2001 7.3 PSD for pulling a 37 ft fifthwheel? I posted this morning & not sure if I got through? Got several questions on that post--thanks if you can help! Harry
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    2001 F250 7.3 Performance upgrade advice

    Racinghcr-2001 F-350 PSD Supercab This is my first attempt at responding to fellow Ford 7.3L PSD owners-not sure how to navigate to site effectively yet. Here goes -We pull a 37 ft. Designer Fiver that weighs approx 14.500lbs. We pulled from Indiana to Fla. Keys for 7 consecutive years with...
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    Towing - Performance

    Hey fellow 7.3 PSD friends! This is my first post-not sure what I'm doing or the proper process to reach everyone--here goes. I have a 2001 F-350 PSD 7.3L ,Automatic,3.73 gears and pull a 37 ft (approx 14K lbs) 2006 Designer Fver ,and would like to know what power and mileage mods can be made at...

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