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  1. W

    Question won't boot up

    Get a Mac. I have three Windows boxes that give me nothing but grief. I have a Mac that I keep on 24/7 and it has crashed ONCE in five years. Actually, I have eight Macs in the house, and all of them still work with nary a hiccup. If you do need to use Windows, an Mac with an Intel processor...
  2. W

    Superduty in Australia

    But our new friend lives Down Under. He doesn't drive on the wrong side of the road, everything is reversed below the Equator. June is in winter, December is in get the idea. Now, if I could only get my hands on a set of those fender repeaters and amber rear turn signals. I love...
  3. W

    Announcement My first ever oil change is a success

    This week, I get to change the filters in both the pickup and the van. New oil and fuel filters in each. The van has a load of water in the fuel that I have yet to get completely out. That makes for some interesting times when I hit the go pedal and the engine just goes "What? You want me to go...
  4. W

    New antenna, Ham it up!!

    My tower is still in pieces on the ground, but my antenna is put together. All for the lack of affordable concrete...:confused: Some vandal cut my ropes that held my G5RV in the trees, so that wire is on the ground, too. :rant But I would be interested in learning what you think of your...
  5. W

    Happy birfday boatr

    Happy Birthday, Chief!:D
  6. W

    Drunk hit my Peterbilt yesterday

    And to think the headlines in the Albertville paper could have read: "Drunk driver damages truck, owner to get a new Peterbilt" :lmao
  7. W

    Thinking of trading in your diesel on gas??

    Gas truck runs on gas or ethanol. Diesel can run on diesel, biodiesel, waste vegetable oil, virgin vegetable oil, or any other number of fuels. The U.S. Army issued my unit a VW Golf. I fueled up at the motor pool at the same pump the Abrams tanks used. Both used jet fuel JP 5. I thought...
  8. W

    Oil in florida "inland"!!!

    I don't think the farmers in Jay, Florida who have leased portions of their spread for oil wells object at all. My land has a mineral rights assignment to Texaco. I suppose that if things get tight, I might see an oil derrick in my backyard.:dunno
  9. W

    Happy Birthday fellers

    Yup, I've entered the second half...the big 51 Many thanks, y'all! I've always felt fortunate to have a birthday the day before Independence Day. It makes for a longer down time Laura and I have a client to call on in the morning, then we have the rest of the day free. That situation sounds...
  10. W

    I ended a long relationship today........

    I thought you were going to say you ditched Windows for Mac OS X!:D
  11. W

    Scared to death....

    Laura will not drive my truck unless there is an emergency, like me entering the hospital. She won't even drive her VAN! She grooms the dogs and cats, I keep the van running, the generator on line, and the holding tanks drained. This month, the truck is parked, as the fuel budget ran out...
  12. W

    frame specs

    Ford Body Builders Advisory Service Click on the link for the Super Duty of your choice. More info in those pages than you may ever use. Enjoy.
  13. W

    08 Tailgate Without The Step?

    Perhaps he is hinting that a certain Navy Chief Petty Officer, now retired and living in Texas, spent too much time around the autodog in the last few years of his career?:sly I packed on a few pounds at the dining facility's all you could eat sundae bar when I was active. I had to switch to...
  14. W

    Announcement Make ethanol at home!

    Don't forget the tax man. People in the South have been doing this for years without a fancy $10K "processor". The activity is known as "moonshining" and the revenue agents take a dim view of such activities.:eek:
  15. W

    Black Gold on Tru(must see)

    I'll have to catch the rerun.-popcorn
  16. W

    Question Powerstroke Break In Procedure?

    Drive it like you stole it. That's what hundreds of truck thieves do every year, driving the trucks south of the border where they are never seen again. :rant Of course you having a 2008 with a PATS key might slow a thief down if he tries to take your truck.
  17. W

    Beware what you purchase.

    I try to avoid Wally World, but there are a few reasons why I can't avoid them altogether. 1. After nine o'clock at night, there is nothing else open. 2. The entertainment value of watching some of the folks that go shopping after nine o'clock is priceless. 3. I can park my RV for free...
  18. W

    Drill rigs in FL

    We have many part-time residents of the beachfront communities here who are dead set against offshore drilling. Their reasoning? They would see the drilling rigs located 25 miles offshore! That is below the horizon! They also say the beaches of Louisiana, Texas, and Mississippi are proof that...
  19. W

    What do you pay per KWH

    .08 / KWH. I have a high efficiency heat pump with a heat recovery unit attached to my water heater. The hot return refrigerant is sent to a box next to the outdoor unit. The box has a pump that pulls water from the water heater through the box, and a heat exchanger takes the heat from the...
  20. W

    GD it!!! I thought I picked a good set of tires!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Some people hate them, others love them. I have nearly 64K on my OE Continental ContiTracs. Still have plenty of tread. My mechanic is a Bridgestone/Firestone dealer. He's suggesting a set of Bridgestone Revos when I do wear these Contis out. I don't know...
  21. W

    photos When too much is really too much

    Robert, what will the wife say when she reads that you are familiar with the management of a local "gentleman's club"? Oh, wait a minute, you're a Navy man...:lmao
  22. W

    Summer Meet! - Eufaula Lake, OK - June 27th thru ??

    If your get together was at Lake Eufaula, ALABAMA, I could take you up on your offer. Oklahoma is a bit far these days with high diesel prices.:sorry
  23. W


    Awww, go ahead and take a shower. We take showers in thunderstorms, hurricanes, and during tornado warnings. It's a Florida thing, you might not understand:D
  24. W

    comment A day late..

    She who must be obeyed took me to Capt'n D's for a big shrimp lunch (she had a coupon!), we went to see the new Indiana Jones movie, and the younger son took me out for a steak dinner and a good father - son bonding session. Life was good yesterday, it took my mind off a lot of things, including...
  25. W

    Question Electric cooling fans

    The stock system works. IMHO it's not worth the effort to rip out the stock cooling system to put in an electric system. The fan hardly engages on my truck, unless I'm towing the fiver. Then you KNOW the fan is working, as it sounds like you're being powered by a jet engine.

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