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  1. 02stroker

    Can't log in to chatroom.

    Got in the chatroom. Thanks guys.
  2. 02stroker

    Question from auto to 6 speed

    Been through this subject before. Try doing a search for it. Most people say it is to expensive and to much work. Here is one post I found, but there are more out there. Hope this helps...
  3. 02stroker

    Help Needed 6 spd swap?

    Glad I could help.
  4. 02stroker

    Can't log in to chatroom.

    Thanks guys.
  5. 02stroker

    Can't log in to chatroom.

    I'm having trouble logging in to the chatroom. The page showing that the page is loading comes up then only the blank blue background. If you try and refresh the page, a login screen comes up and says that a user is currently logged in with this user name. Chatroom used to work fine until...
  6. 02stroker

    Help Needed 6 spd swap?

    X2........I thought all the 99.5 and up had the 6 speed? 5 speed w/OD plus a low gear.
  7. 02stroker

    Confused and Using Oil

    I guess 100 hours would really depend on where you are driving. If you live in the city, you'r average speed will be slower and equal less miles, where as if you did all interstate running your miles would be higher due to high speeds. It would be something you would have to keep a note on...
  8. 02stroker

    Confused and Using Oil

    Seems to me the oil might be leaking externally. If it was using that much oil I would think you might see more smoke. I'm just guessing though. We had a rollback at work with a 7.3 that had o-rings go bad on the injectors and it smoked blue alot. Was any kind of break-in preformed on the...
  9. 02stroker

    oil leak in the valley

    Best way to find it is to clean the top or the motor real good and then keep an eye on it for a day or two. Follow the oil towards the front of the motor. By cleaning it and keeping an eye on it, it will norrow down you'r search area. Good luck and let us know how it goes for you. Also...
  10. 02stroker

    Left turn thuunk

    :lmao:lmao:lmao:doh: Good one DP.
  11. 02stroker


    I don't mind a little bit of smoke once in a while. What I find annoying is guys that are always pouring smoke 24/7. I'm a tractor pulling fan, and find that a big smoking diesel looks cool, but rolling coal driving down main street is just a waste of fuel. It also tends to upset people when...
  12. 02stroker

    oil leak in the valley

    Could just be the HPOP o-rings leaking. Common problem with these trucks. The oil runs back the valley and runs down over the bell housing if the leak gets bad enough.
  13. 02stroker

    New Member just checking in ...

    Welcome to SDD. I'm sure you'll like it here. Lots of helpful people here.
  14. 02stroker

    CB Radio

    I have my CB mounted to the back of the center console. Like grounghawg said, there isn't much room left in a regular cab with bucket seats and a stick shift. I'm running a Midland radio that was my grandfathers along with two roadpro antennas. Works pretty good so far.
  15. 02stroker

    cheap exhaust mods

    You can find the instructions to make you'r own intake in the wiki. That's what I did. I just tied the air temp. sensor along side of the filter. As long as it is close, it will be reading the temp. of the air that the filter is breathing in. If you do the DIY intake, the CCV mod and the...
  16. 02stroker

    PCM code

    Thanks guys. I'm looking to get one of Tony's chips once the exhaust and gauges are in. Might be later next year till it happens, but might as well be prepared when the time comes. According to his site, the PCM code is 3 alpha and 1 number. I assumed it was on the cover of the controller...
  17. 02stroker

    PCM code

    Can anyone tell me where to find the PCM code on a 2002 F-250. Is it on the sticker on the controller, or somewhere else? Thanks.
  18. 02stroker

    rant Dealer Wants $98!

    $100 last I heard at our local dealer.
  19. 02stroker

    Question What did you do to your truck today?

    Gave her a quick rinse off and ordered a 4" MBRP turbo back exhaust.
  20. 02stroker

    comment Battery Life

    Had new batteries installed in mine when I bought it. The place I got the truck at installed Bosch batteries. They have been in just over 4 years and never had any trouble with them. Biggest thing is keeping the connections clean.
  21. 02stroker

    cheap exhaust mods

    The easiest way to eliminate the cat is to just get the piece of the exhaust system that Ford uses to eliminate it. Unbolt the cat, remove it, install the new pipe, fasten in place. Did it with mine. Seemed to have a bit more whistle to it after the kitty went bye bye. Don't know if it...
  22. 02stroker

    Left turn thuunk

    This is what makes this site great. People that are willing to give up their own time or go out of their way to help others. :sweet :clap:
  23. 02stroker

    6 - speed?

    I love my 6 speed. Only thing I'm planning on doing to it is installing a Luk clutch with a solid flywheel. I have about 120,000 on the clock and the only thing I had to replace was the slave cylinder, but that can happen to any truck. It's really nice to be able to keep the RPM's where you...
  24. 02stroker

    Left turn thuunk

    Also check the sway bar end links. Seen a couple of the break and or wear out.
  25. 02stroker

    Left turn thuunk

    X2 what TG said. Might also be a ball joint.

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