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  1. J

    Aftermarket Bumper

    Road Armor also makes a bumper for OBS trucks (scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page) but if the prices for Buckstop bumpers scare you, don't even look at the price sheet for RA stuff...:eek:
  2. J

    Aftermarket Bumper

    TRAILREADY also makes some good looking bumpers, but they don't have prices on their website. IMO, nothing that (1) looks decent and (2) is genuinely heavy-duty will be cheap so if protection is what you want, start saving up.
  3. J

    Aftermarket Bumper

    BUCKSTOP is quite the shiznit--they're not cheap at all, but they look really nice (there are one or two running around town here) and they're hellaciously strong.
  4. J

    Is it my imagination or...

    Yep--same ones.
  5. J

    interior trim panel part#?

    Does anyone have the part number for the interior trim piece on the driver's side below the instrument panel of a 2K2 SD? It's not the removeable one that you have to remove to get to the fusebox, but the part surrounding that one. Mine is kind of hacked-up and I'd like to replace it vs...
  6. J

    Calling all 7.3 techs/specialists got a test

    You can buy the International version for ~$60 or so. Iff'n I were you, I'd buy a spare GPR and throw it in the glovebox along with the wrenches to change it out (IIRC you need two different sizes but I can't remember exactly which ones). Heck, even if you had to buy the wrenches, a spare IH...
  7. J

    Calling all 7.3 techs/specialists got a test

    Have you tried connecting the two big terminals on the GPR? The one time I had to do a parking-lot GPR fix, I used jumper cables, since I could connect the two ends of the same cable to the terminals for ~30 seconds, then hop in the cab and my PSD fired right off.
  8. J

    Calling all 7.3 techs/specialists got a test

    What has you so convinced it's a HPO problem? If you're getting white smoke when cranking, I'd venture a guess that it could be a bad GPR, the fix for which takes 10 minutes and ~$60 at the International dealer...
  9. J

    Where can I buy a scan tool?
  10. J

    which of these leveling kits?

    Here's the best leveling kit install article I've found:
  11. J

    # 17 wins!!!!

    Ditto--in a way he reminds me of the way a younger Dale Earnhardt drove and IMO that's a good thing since IMO it doesn't suit a Winston Cup (I STILL don't like saying "Nextel Cup") driver to be a cleaned-up, limp-wristed pretty boy.
  12. J

    homework help ASAP!

    Those are good books--I have the Schaum's Calculus book and it is quite useful. My Trig/Calc I/Calc II professor (Mr. Kerry Bailey) is actually one of the authors for the Schaum's Intermediate Algebra book. Sooner or later I'll get a copy for him to sign--who konws, it might be worth a...
  13. J

    homework help ASAP!

    Calc I is pretty easy, Calc II OTOH, is a cast-iron beyotch (that's why I'm auditing vs. taking it for credit).
  14. J

    homework help ASAP!

    Noted and recorded for later quoting as of 1910 on 26 Feb 2007. ;) :tounge
  15. J

    homework help ASAP!

    W-X is the right answer. If you picture the figure as being a sheet of paper that you fold along the line of symmetry, when you actually fold it, both corners and edges must line up exactly for that line to be a line of symmetry. If you "fold" the figure along M-R or Y-Z, there might be an...
  16. J

    The crap is hitting the fan...

    True, but if folks see that diesel is consistently (at least here in WY) $0.30/gallon more expensive, that might make them re-think going with an oilburner. I don't know about the V-10's engine compartment, but if cab-off repairs are the order of the day for PSD work, that'll make things very...
  17. J

    Which programer

    The idea is there, though--this topic comes up so frequently that there's really nothing new to say. A simple search will bring up hours of material on the topic worth reading.
  18. J

    # 17 wins!!!!

    Ditto--Mark Martin has always been a class act and I couldn't care less what the sticker on the front of his car says.
  19. J

    The crap is hitting the fan...

    Cut-and-pasted from one of my posts on another forum: [Larry the Cable Guy voice] "Well that ain't good..."[/LTCG voice] Honestly, given how hugely expensive the 6.4 is and how #2 is consistently more costly per gallon than gas now, if I were in the market for a new Ford truck, I'd...
  20. J

    Super Duty Less

    Good, you look better in pink anyway... ;) :tounge :tounge :tounge :tounge :tounge
  21. J

    too bad it wasnt a PSD!!

    I would have guessed Georgia from the shape of the symbol in that first line of the road sign...
  22. J

    cajun in town
  23. J

    Super Duty Less

    I was thinking the same thing--you really ought to be able to do a burnout with your motorhome... Come to think of it, a racing motorhome will probably be the next Banks company project...
  24. J

    The SCT tunes just came in by UPS!!!!

    Don't reprogram it. If you do reprogram and then the engine goes kaboom, a saavy dealer tech can definitely find evidence that you've messed with the electronics running the engine and then you're up Chit creek re: trying to get warranty repairs.

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