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  1. roosterdiesel

    7.3 Horsepower numbers (modified truck)

    326HP with all mods in sig expect that's with stock injectors, also MAP was only seeing 15lbs of boost and I wasn't in max fuel tables. With an Edge Evo, intake, exhaust and shimmed FPR I did 304HP. 290-310 is the norm for chip, intake and exhaust.
  2. roosterdiesel

    ebpv question

    ^What he said. It's said that if you just take out the plunger oil pressure in the pedistal never builds and starves the turbo of oil. From when I did mine, I agree. Unless you weld up the oil ports going to the EBPV plunger cavity.
  3. roosterdiesel


    I would be leary of using it in the oil of a PSD since the injectors use oil for injection pressure.
  4. roosterdiesel

    Up Pipes

    The bellows eliminates the need for the doughnuts since they allow for expansion and contraction from heating and cooling. The expansion and contraction is the only reason for the doughnuts.
  5. roosterdiesel

    Free fire wood

    Hey I never made it to New Mexico this summer for wood. I'll come cut that sucker down for ya!
  6. roosterdiesel

    Diesel Lubrication

    Higher cetane doesn't retard timing, the only thing that can do that is programming. Fuel with higher cetane takes more heat and compression to combust. So lower cetane fuel combusts sooner but that's not "advanced timing" so to speak. As for the comment on premium gasoline, some vehicles...
  7. roosterdiesel

    97 7.3, will start with extended crank time

    If it ran fine for awhile and then suddenly died with an empty reservoir.....either the LPOP and front cover are worn out or the oil pick up tube for the LPOP broke and now it has no way to get oil to pump. They have been known to crack.
  8. roosterdiesel

    Replaced My IPR

    :thumbs Hope that's got it fixed!
  9. roosterdiesel

    Best way to get air out after putting in new injectors?

    Before you reinstalled the VCs did you watch the injectors to make sure they were all squirting oil out the spouts to make sure they were all working? How old is the IPR valve? Being splits on a split truck shouldn't make it idle rough without the chip.
  10. roosterdiesel

    Holset HX 50

    Cheaper than?? The turbo itself is cheaper but then you have to spend time in fabrication or buy a mounting kit. H2e kits are 2200ish including turbo from most vendors. Benefits...better boost to back pressure ratio, more air, no surge(but I don't have surge with the ATS housing, more...
  11. roosterdiesel

    Holset HX 50

    It's a Holset turbo of an M11 Cummins. Similar in size to the H2e. I'll have to fab a mounting kit if I decide to run this.
  12. roosterdiesel

    Holset HX 50

    Anyone here running an HX50? Just wondering how hard it is to light.:sly
  13. roosterdiesel

    Initial Thoughts on Engine Job/Fuel System

    What I want to hear about is when the "INSANITY" begins and the tranny carnage happens.:eek: :tongue2 :stir
  14. roosterdiesel

    New bigger tank, what mods?

    Air and water are hard on our injectors whether it be entrained or flat out big bubbles, think score plunger and barrels. The FASS and Air Dog are great at removing air but don't remove water as good as the Tubine Racor or the Dahl. So pick your method of protection, remove the causes of...
  15. roosterdiesel

    New bigger tank, what mods?

    I used a Racor 900fh turbine series. Was around before the Dahl and Racor will stand behind their products with BD as long as it meets ASTM standards. It's fairly pricey and big....they use to make a 500FG which is more like wha'ts needed on a pickup. When they updated to the FH series they...
  16. roosterdiesel

    New bigger tank, what mods?

    If you order the heated version of the Dahl it will come assembled with the bowl with probes. If you ever plan to run biodiesel, watch out for concentrations higher than 20%. My Dahl heater came apart running B99.9. As far as you not having probs...that's with a stock system. If you...
  17. roosterdiesel

    air filter cleaning

    Every oil change??:eek: Watch for pinholes, over cleaning is a common problem just as is over oiling of the oil cotton gauze medias. Get a prefilter to help keep the big stuff out.
  18. roosterdiesel

    Another stupid ?

    My '01 ZF6 says 275hp on the valve cover. With an Edge Evolution(which was known for more power than the Superchips), shimmed FPR, DIY intake, ATS compressor housing and 4" exhaust I dynoed at 304hp on a Dynojet.
  19. roosterdiesel

    Fuel Pressure Fluctuating?

    When I had a shimmed stock regulator I had higher pressures on cold iron starts. More so in the winter when temps were colder. Don't know if it's the viscosity or the spring tension is stronger when cold and less with some warmth in it.:dunno With the Aeromotive regulator I don't see the...
  20. roosterdiesel

    6.0 intercooler to 7.3

    The hoses need to be longer for ease of installation and insurance that they won't blow off because of misalignment. The drivers side needs to be a3"x3"x8", passenger 3.25"x3"x8". On the 6.0 the bigger one is actually the inlet side. You may want to measure the cooler that you are going to be...
  21. roosterdiesel


    Engine RPM, Vehicl speed, IPR duty cycle, ICP. Under WOT, your duty cycle on a good HPOP will be 30-40% normally. I'm leaning toward a sticking IPR valve. On the logging....I've had probs a couple times with AE and logging...You have to click the record button then name the file window...
  22. roosterdiesel


    Was your duty cycle reading taken while driving or while idling? It would be helpful to also know what the ICP reading is when the duty cycle is that high. Could be a sticking IPR valve or a bad ICP sensor. Just need a little more info.:sweet
  23. roosterdiesel

    97 7.3, will start with extended crank time

    The low presure oil pump may be bad. How many miles? Something may have happened when the seal went out or when it was repaired.

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