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  1. roosterdiesel


    WOW! A rag? I wonder if someone was trying to siphon your tank? As far as the fuel....I got some Friday. No floating chunks but it's VERY dark. I called Brownfield BD and asked. Jeff said that the canola based fuel is very dark like strong tea but pours like water down to 17 degrees F...
  2. roosterdiesel

    Turbo studder

    The shift would be bringing the engine into the surge RPM range...around 1500-1700 revs. If it's cyclical sound kinda like a rattle snake it's surge. The whoosh is the same thing just not cyclical and not as damaging. Stall only happens when there's a throttle plate slammed closed and boost...
  3. roosterdiesel

    Turbo studder

    The whoosh isn't as bad as the schh..schh..schh. The surge will kill a stock turbo. ATS housing will stop it, anti-surge compressor wheel is a band aid. You can drive to where it doesn't do it. It generally happens when the engine is around 1700 rpms and under load making boost. Either...
  4. roosterdiesel


    :eek: That really sux! I will try and get 2 five gallon samples tomorrow or Friday. If they have it in steel tanks at Centergas I'm willing to bet they are dirty.:( :sorry
  5. roosterdiesel


    Well the producer is filtering through 1-2 microns and treating with biocide. Now the retailer...was it a steel tank? There were no screen filters or anything? It would have to be ALOT of junk to plug screens in the pick up but I don't know what they look like in the OBS trucks. I could...
  6. roosterdiesel

    Glow plug

    If it's intermittent then I would check over the wiring.
  7. roosterdiesel

    '08 PSD blows up on B99

    A similar high performance PS???:confused: The 6.4 is in no way similar to the 6.0...HEUI vs. HPCR with piezo-electric injectors. Nobody knows what the B99 would do the HPCR system on the 6.4. To my knowledge it's the only one using piezo-electric technology. Yes it's used in Europe but...
  8. roosterdiesel

    Bighead wastegate

    The BHA will help keep the WG closed since the stocker is weak and can get blown open by the backpressure. As far as dyno #s....I doubt it would add any HP if you don't add fuel.
  9. roosterdiesel

    Possible Turbo problems...

    I've had that code occasionally back when I was running my old Evolution programmer and DI chip, never figured out what it was. DP Tuner chip hasn't set it. As for the end play....Garrett specs are .002 -.003 thrust clearance measured from the exhaust side of the shaft with a dial indicator.
  10. roosterdiesel

    Potential Engine repair/replacement avoided!!

    B20 will cause no problems with anything. Higher percentage blends are a different story. As long as you haven't installed any rubber hose anywhere in the system(pre-pump Hutch mod) you should be ok in a warm climate. Over B50 needs a heated prepump filter, the stock filter isn't up to snuff...
  11. roosterdiesel

    Can I run BioDiesel ?

    You can choose to run it and it will burn great! Like already posted keep a spare filter especially if you have to use #2 on occasion. Now with Ford only approving B5 you may have probs with warranty if you have any injector issues in the future if you go in with bio in your tank. All the...
  12. roosterdiesel

    Potential Engine repair/replacement avoided!!

    Where did you get that info? I have read the "Cold Flow and Blending" article from the National Biodiesel Board and have never seen that number. B50 is known to work fine in fairly cold temps everywhere with the proper fuel system. B20 can go into sub-freezing temps with no problem as...
  13. roosterdiesel

    Upgrades to help with fuel mileage

    Well the only advice I have is open up the intake and exhaust. The stock exhaust is VERY restrictive, get the air in and out with the least amount of restriction as possible. With the camper you are having to cut a bigger hole in the air. Not very good for fuel mileage.:sorry
  14. roosterdiesel

    Programmer for 7.3 2002

    :confused: Your sig shows Swamp's sticks.:confused: :confused:
  15. roosterdiesel

    Turbo Spool Up

    Must be a late 99. The early ones whine pretty good. I'm guessing you're seeing boost on your gauge, you should be able to hear a little with your intake setup at 15+.
  16. roosterdiesel

    2 Stroke oil as a diesel additive???

    Did he have his own testing done in a lab or what? What kind of "research?" Was it additive reformulated for ULSD? Was it just the general additives or the lubricity additives? Most companies have many different ones like Bill mentioned the FPPF lubricity additive Stanadyne has a similar...
  17. roosterdiesel

    Random Hard to start 95 Turbo Diesel

    Calibration is all done by the fuel shop that remans the pump. Also if he does take it to one, the shop is not going to give it back to you with the shaft in the same place.
  18. roosterdiesel

    Got The Harley's Mounted Today

    Wheels look pretty good! Wanna come wash my truck?:tounge
  19. roosterdiesel

    Random Hard to start 95 Turbo Diesel

    Sounds like the metering valve in the injection pump is sticking. I just finished training on these pumps last week. Troubleshooting we covered listed hard/no start conditions are sticking metering valve. More than likely the pump has some trash in it that's not letting things operate...
  20. roosterdiesel

    April DOTM Nominations

    If you guys have anymore nominations, get them in quick!:sweet -popcorn
  21. roosterdiesel

    Lil Birdie.......

    :thumbs Happy Birthday Bill!:thumbs
  22. roosterdiesel

    Got Bio?

    I Do!:D I got 60g of B20 while in Lubbock last week and confirmed a new source in Amarillo. Called them when I got back and am going to top off with B99 on Monday.:sly Peter, when you are here in a week you'll have to get a fix.:cool: Also, I got some fuel to get a reciept for the...
  23. roosterdiesel

    Hutch mod. Let's bat this around a bit.

    I haven't seen what ITPs return fitting looks like. I would guess that it doesn't let fuel back to the filter, that doesn't sound right, it just allows the pressure to bleed off at shut off and return fuel goes back to the tank. My DIY version goes back to the tank and my regulator is modified...
  24. roosterdiesel

    fuel pressure regulator shim kit

    Yes even with a chip you will notice a difference. The upped pressure will help the barrel of the injector fill properly. Next step would be to get rid of the dead end fuel system with a regulated return.
  25. roosterdiesel

    Spotted a sale on Ranchos

    I have the Reflex Monroes. I like them. BTW....There only a few shock makers. E-brock IAS, Rancho RSX and Monroe Reflex are all the same shock with different marketing.;)

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