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  1. keanoknick

    levelling kit and 37's

    I have the Procomp Xtreme A/T's in 38.5x14.5 with 8 inches of lift and the rub, most recommend a 37 tire with 8" lifts, (on 05-07) I've seen a few on 6" lifts though, and they rub, so even with the right backspacing I highly doubt that you will get 37's to fit with less than 6" of lift.
  2. keanoknick

    Question If you have HID' here please!!!

    I had no problems with mine, but they had an adapter to plug into the plug in your pictures, they weren't just the little metal thing on the end of a wire. They were direct plug and play. Sorry, I don't have any pics.
  3. keanoknick

    C-Betr mirrors review

    Having driven OTR previously, I highly value my mirrors, that being said, I don't own the C-better mirrors, but have driven a truck with them, and they are great, especially for the price. I do have to point out, that I recently upgraded to the 08 TT mirrors, and I think that they are far...
  4. keanoknick

    Question programmer

    SCT seems to be the best for the 6.0, Find a good custom Tuner, such as, Spartan, Elite, Innovative, and others, they can all write you a tune specific for your truck and your mods, that you'll be very happy with. The SCT Livewire, has built in guages, the X3, X2 and others do not. You NEED...
  5. keanoknick

    Is SCT right for me??

    I do have a heavy right foot, and I think that contributed to it. I don't know specifically what caused it, my truck had Puked on several occasions before, and i didn't worry about it to much, it was when my EGR cooler ruptured, and I was blowing white smoke as thick as fog, that I took it in...
  6. keanoknick

    Is SCT right for me??

    That's a great theory!! Most here are aware of the Mossey-Ferguson act, but good luck getting it enforced. The Tuners due put more stress on the motor, causing things to happen quicker than they might have without the increased HP. And if you think Ford cares wether the 6gun was on the...
  7. keanoknick

    Question 6.0L Poor Milage

    Sorry, but you can't trust the Lie-o-meter, they are known for being inaccurate, try hand calculating, and get back with us.;tu
  8. keanoknick

    first business venture, first truck

    :w4 The 2008 TT mirrors, are GREAT!!, I recently put a set on my truck, far better than even the 05-07 TT mirrors that were on it.
  9. keanoknick

    Hello from overseas!

    :w4 Thanks for your service!!
  10. keanoknick

    Fun new toy, or the begining of the end???

    :lmao For those of you that are fans of the Terminator movies, or the Sarah Connor Chronicles TV series, will understand what I meant in the title. Boston Dynamics: The leader in Lifelike Human Simulation Could this cool new invention possibly lead to..... :stir:stir:stir :D...
  11. keanoknick

    Video Editing Software

    I use Adobe Premiere, very powerful, relatively easy to use, but it's not cheap.
  12. keanoknick

    Help Needed 5R110 Flush

    Sorry I'm of no help with this issue, but thought I would suggest looking for an American post, it might make more sense in English than Portugese. :tounge :sorry I couldn't help myself :sorry
  13. keanoknick

    Bill Gates gets richer and richer...

    Never heard of Win Office, but OpenOffice, is free, and does the same thing.
  14. keanoknick

    Wheel finish problems!

    Find the compound you want to use to polish them. Then use it with a Mothers powerball Mini, and a cordless drill, saves a TON of elbow grease, and takes less time. just my .02
  15. keanoknick

    Is SCT right for me??

    PLEASE, DO NOT STACK IT!! That being said, I have the Banks Six-Gun and Speed Loader w/PDA. I have no complaints about it, I love the on the fly adjustability. I too, blew my HG's with it on. I will hopefully be swtiching to an SCT with custom tunes, and selling the 6-gun in a couple...
  16. keanoknick

    13mpg with mods... is that as good as it gets??

    I'm going to assume you got those numbers from the overhead console aka. the lieometer. It is VERY innacurate, especially after using a programmer. The only way to accuratley figure your mileage, is to hand calculate it. Fill the truck up till you can see the fuel (not just foam) then drive...
  17. keanoknick

    New Member Alaska Ford Nut

    :w4 I've heard of 351C and 351W, but never a 351M, what's that?

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