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  1. F

    Thinking About Switching to Ford

    hahahaha yes! A cummins into a ford body *IS* a great truck. I guess thats why the FUMMINS conversion is so popular! There are actually quite a few Fords (both old and NEW!) running around with old -6bt 12 valve cummins motors. In fact, even the 24v guys are ripping out the injection...
  2. F


    If you had a 10k type mod plugged into the ICP sensor, then I would say the AE is being lied to. But since I dont think your playing with the sensor, then you may be running out of oil.
  3. F


    400-600 psi at idle 3200 psi max pressure at 50% duty cycle. Looks a little high at idle, and a little low at WOT. Could be the DP tuner causing that tho. Little extra off idle power, but your running out of oil on the top end. exhaust backpressure is measured in ABSOLUTE, meaning at dead...
  4. F

    Thinking About Switching to Ford

    *ALL* of the big manufacturers now have one goal. GET OUT OF THE WARRANTY!! Ford, Dodge, Chevy, it doesnt matter what BRAND you buy, since they are all sold by the same dealership (the name on the sign may be different, but follow the money and one guy usually owns most of the dealerships...
  5. F

    Support those that support the sport!

    You cant buy that kind of advertising. :thumbsup:
  6. F

    how do you get pics to show up in a post?

    use the "" Just replace the www portion in between the [] [/] tags and it should display it. just FYI, its almost the same as true HTML webpage programming, but instead of using the <> </> HTML tags, it uses [] on the forums.
  7. F

    how do you get pics to show up in a post?

    I moved it to the right forum for you. At least one that better fits. There are two ways to do it. When you post, or click reply, you get the box for typing in your message. Above that box has a bunch of little icons. One of the icons is a little paperclip. This allows you to upload a...
  8. F

    normal coolant temp range?

    I second the coolant filter. #1 reason for failed waterpumps is sand/debri in the water. It eats up the seals.
  9. F

    Low Sulfur Diesel Warning

    Because 07 vehicles wont be available until the fuel pumps have converted. Ford has delayed the 07 so far back, it will be considered an 08 truck! California is the only exception, they require the new fuel NOW, whereas the rest of the nation has until this fall to get converted.
  10. F

    Cops and "off road diesel?"

    Because very little "un taxed" fuel is dyed while in the delivery truck. Some trucks service both taxed and untaxed stations. It is up to the service station or the driver of the delivery truck to add the dye to the storage tanks before it is sold.
  11. F

    Cops and "off road diesel?"

    Its a civil matter, and I believe yes it is in the law. Vehicle inspections (safety and operation) can be done at any time. This includes taking a small sample of your fuel to check for any DYE that would indicate you are running NON TAXED fuel. Its not much different than stopping trucks to...
  12. F

    Cops and "off road diesel?"

    biodiesel is not illegal. They are looking for DYED FUEL. This is fuel that has been dyed deep red because no ROAD TAX was paid on it. So long as they dont find any DYE, you are peachy. Regardless of the fuel your running, they only look for the DYE.
  13. F

    All you communications folks.....

    I have my ham ticket. Had it for 15 years now. Hardly ever get on the radio tho. I also work in radio. Computers mostly, but I have to make them talk to 100,000 watt AM transmitters, and 50,000 watt FMs. If you can hear it on the air in Seattle, or New Orleans (and soon portland, OR) then...
  14. F

    Low Sulfur Diesel Warning

    Can you say "BLUE CPS" ? I knew you could. The blue cps has been proven to retard timing in the powerstroke motor. That comment above would indicate why people say they see less smoke, better fuel mileage.
  15. F

    3 wheeler video

    I've got a 3 wheeler. Honda ATC-70. They are worth their weight in gold in the california dunes. Everyone uses them for camp bikes, and pay out the nose for nice ones. I see them sell for over a grand!
  16. F

    Low Sulfur Diesel Warning

    They added a bunch of emissions related crap that gets fouled up from too much sulphur. Things like particulate traps, and more aggressive EGR, and more cat converter stuff. While some of the 06 trucks have that too, its not to the degree that the new engines will have. My suggestion...
  17. F

    overhead console removal?

    Grab and pull. Makes a noise that would make the Devil cringe.
  18. F

    Clicking from Driverside Front tire

    you should have NO play up and down. If you do, your wheel bearing is letting go. I just went thru it. Noticed my tires sat just like you described, and the next day, got the ticking noise like a rock in the tire, and less than 5 miles later that tick turned into a growl/grind. When the...
  19. F

    SP Diesel

    Sorry, I guess that wasnt very useful. Lets just say, that was my politically correct way of saying you can do better, but you can do worse also. I have a pretty neutral opinion on SPDiesel stuff. But then, I have had a few mild "exchanges" with him (sean) over on TDS. Lets just call it a...
  20. F

    SP Diesel

    SP Diesel has been around for a few years now. They started off by selling 10k mods that they got the instructions from TheDieselStop. Then worked into TC lockup mods and various other projects. Even the Exhaust sensor dongle and various other "dongles" came from TDS. The only difference was...
  21. F

    The Official Fast Specialties Diesel Dyno Day 3 Thread

    w00 h00. I broke 300 with nothing more than a tuner, exhaust and intake (and a little modified 10k mod under the hood).
  22. F

    Front Auto Lock hubs - OEM

    It aint showed up yet. Just ordered it late last week. I bought all new OEM stuff just so I could have a truck to drive while the dynatrac conversion was in the mail. Once the new stuff gets here, I'll swap the OEM out and sell whats still useable!
  23. F

    Front Auto Lock hubs - OEM

    well, I bought, the hub/bearing, new studs, new nuts, the O-ring, and the hub seal. Turns out I didnt need the hub seal. But I paid about 320 bucks for all of that. I could have done both sides for about 600 even I think. But Like I said, I went ahead and paid the 1500 for the dynatrac...
  24. F

    fuel tank delamination

    Oddd, I thought they were all plastic tanks. My 2000 F-350 is. You sure its not the skid plate rusting? Is this on the inside of the tank, or the outside?
  25. F

    Front Auto Lock hubs - OEM

    probably. But also consider that a larger tire gives a better mechanical advantage to lateral forces. (Read that as, the bigger tire, acts as a bigger lever. So when you try to turn the wheel, your exerting more side pressure on the bearing. So even with the stock wheel/offset, the larger...

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