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  1. F

    Who's brewing?

    Biodiesel is considered as a blended diesel fuel. The person that produces the blended diesel fuel, outside the bulk transfer/terminal system (blender), is liable for the tax which is imposed under IRC section 4081(b) upon sale or removal. Blended diesel fuel is any mixture of diesel fuel, with...
  2. F

    Who's brewing?

    Federally, you can brew up to 400 gals PER PERSON PER QUARTER without paying federal road taxes. Each STATE however is different, some are following the federal view of bio-diesel, and some treat it as an additive (which is not taxed), still others want their money. Even if your state...
  3. F

    6th Annual Powerstroke rally at Texoma May 13-15, 2005

    Lookin like mudhog and myself will be heading up there from New Orleans/Lafayette. 7 hour drive.
  4. F

    Time for new Batteries???

    Yellow tops are more of a "long drain between recharge" type battery. THe redtops are a more "short drain between recharge" battery. If you leave your radio running for hours on end, the yellowtops are better. If you just need a battery to start the truck, the redtops are better. Then...
  5. F

    Tekonsha Prodigy wiring question

    Your fine, I only hooked up 4 wires on mine. Should be POWER, GROUND, BRAKE, and TRAILER. I guess if you have a controller that can do illumination of its face, then you'd need the 5th wire.
  6. F


    I dont shop at sams (can you say wal-mart? ewwwwwww), so I cant confirm that price, but w0w! if its true?!?! hahahahaha. WVO is nice if you dont want to mess with brewing Bio. Downside is, you gotta do all the heated tank/lines crap, and purge the fuel rails. Bio-D means you gotta do some...
  7. F

    Amateur radio/scanner stuff...

    I fell into one. Brand new, in box, never been opened. 600 bucks. Couldnt pass it up. Guy at work bought it from a silent key deal or something and never used it. (silent key is a dead ham)
  8. F

    Rather than a DIY forum...

    well, its an ever evolving document, with internal cross links to other subjects. If someone sees an error, or wants to add more data, they just add it, without having to bug a web guy to change the HTML. It works under the assumption that enough ppl in the "know" will catch any errors. The...
  9. F

    Rather than a DIY forum...

    click below Its a free, online, user-editable encyclopedia. Its all the rage now, and has been growing by leaps and bounds.
  10. F


    Yeah, new oil is spendy. I only run new oil when its on sale/closeout/bulk. Occasionally I'll buy a 1/2 gallon just to dump in the tank as an additive.
  11. F

    Amateur radio/scanner stuff...

    OK, first off. Tech class is the lowest and easiest. No CODE required. However, without the code, your limited to the higher bands, so no 10m or lower. You can listen, but not talk. CB: Aint happening. At least not legally. The FCC has an axe to grind against the CB channels, and they do...
  12. F

    Rather than a DIY forum...

    I mentioned doing a WIKI instead of a FAQ or ARTICLES type pages. Need some content tho first.
  13. F

    Source for BULK LED purchases

    Your LED running lights are actual HOUSINGS. My LED runnnig lights are individual LEDs. You have individual LEDs INSIDE a housing, and the manufacturer wired the whole housing to work at the correct voltage.
  14. F

    Who's brewing?

    Was doing some numbers today with MudHog, he found a place that would sell him methanol for 2.72 a gallon, minimum 150 dollar order tho (about a 55 gal drum). 55 gals should yield 275 gals of bio-D, which works out to about 54 cents a gallon. oops, forgot Lye. A pound of lye should make...
  15. F

    Shes doing it again

    Still, even the older IDI's still must use more air than a gasser. Even if its not under the kinds of vacuum our PSD's generate. The only place I run a K&N is on my ATV's, and even there I am slowly switching over to oil/foam, as the K&Ns just cant handle the dust as well.
  16. F

    Shes doing it again

    w0w, you trust K&N filters? After all the horror stories I have read about K&N's on the powerstrokes, I would think no one would be running them anymore. I'd rather buy a paperfilter (tymar style) every year then risk a dusting.
  17. F

    Stock Paddle Mirror Question

    Im confused, did these mirrors come of his EXCURSION, or does he have another truck and I misread your post? The SDs and the EX's have identical mounting hardware. The F-150s and exploders and expeditions I cannot tell you, but my guess is NO, they wont work on the bigger rigs.
  18. F


    On my truck? no noticeable difference, however my fuel mileage jumped after about the second time I did that. No other changes were done at the time. Lubricity? I dont know. What I do know, is everyone who has run a light mix of WVO or Bio-diesel have ALL reported GOOD THINGS. The powerstroke...
  19. F

    Stock Paddle Mirror Question

    I have not seen any SD's with paddle mirrors AND blinkers. Not saying it cant be done tho. The physical mounting is identical to the TT mirrors, and the only difference would be in the wiring/plugs. And thats easily fixed with a little re-wiring.
  20. F


    In the summer, I've been pouring up to 1-gal of store bought veg oil right into a full tank of fuel. Only do it when the oil is on sale/cheap. Cant wait to get home and actually have somewhere to setup a filter/processor and start making bio-d or running wvo.
  21. F

    Talk about the 7.3L CPS Here!

    May as well get this out of the road. The INFAMOUS CPS thread. If there is any ONE failure, that can almost be gauranteed on a 7.3 liter powerstroke, its the failure of the CPS. The CPS is called many things. Ford calls it a "Synchronizer". International calls it a CAMP or CMP. Both names...
  22. F

    Time for new Batteries???

    not yet. they are IN, but havnt taken the camera out to the truck to get pics. Need to do that. Its a VERY tight fit, and I had to grind on my stock battery tray pretty badly. Would be alot easier if I moved the vacuum bottle somewhere else, or at least slotted the holes in the inner fender...
  23. F

    Time for new Batteries???

    5 years is it for stock batteries. Any longer and your running on borrowed time. Replace them in matched pairs. Same brand, same style, etc etc. Now is your chance to go with a dual optima setup. Two batteries on one side. This allows you to mount other things where one of the batteries...
  24. F

    changing glowplugs

    I will ask him what plugs he bought, as he already has them. Said they been siiting on his to-do list for quite some time. I will be back in seattle for the "Mild to Wild" car show because my father is showing his mustang and his harleys in it. I get to drive a 650hp 65 mustang. street legal too...
  25. F

    Source for BULK LED purchases

    OK, on my runningboards: I screwed up! Seriously! LED's have a "working voltage" of between 1.8 and 3.3 volts depending on color. If you apply vehicle power (12-14v) to a SINGLE LED, it will pop in about a 1/4 second. You can add resistors to each LED to stop the damage, but that means a...

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