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  1. patrickc

    Question Rear E/Brake Problems

    I had to replace the backing plates on my 02 because they had rotted around the pins which caused the pins to pull through and lock up the brakes. I replaced them with complete backing plate assemblies from ford, but they weren't cheap. Around $400 a side if I remember correctly.
  2. patrickc

    Trans Temps?

    On my 02, with a fresh rebuilt tranny my tranny temps were 125-150*F empty and towing 10,000lbs I rarely ever saw temps over 150*F. On my truck I bypassed the radiator, and ran 2 aftermarket coolers along with the factory cooler.
  3. patrickc

    Oil Change (How Often?)

    I change mine every 5,000 km. Some may say it's overkill but oil is cheap compared to a new motor!
  4. patrickc

    DRW tires and wheels, 22.5, 22 or 24? Super single?

    I am a fan of the American Force 22's with the Toyo m/t's together they make a good looking combo.
  5. patrickc

    New Member 7.3 litre International motor

    I had a TWildman chip on my 02 from 100k miles on and never had any serious issue other than the tranny @around 160K miles, at that time I had the tranny built overkill and cured the problem for good. I never had any motor problems what-so-ever. It had almost 230K miles when I got rid of it...
  6. patrickc

    Help Needed It's Time for Brakes

    The powerslot rotors and hawk pads are well worth the money but a little pricey compared to the OE replacements. (aftermarket) I would at least inspect the rear brakes and emergency brake shoes when you do the front. Also check the rear caliper slides since they do tend to seize up from time...
  7. patrickc

    New Owner! Bought my first diesel truck

    Congrats! and WELCOME to SDD!
  8. patrickc

    Update Might be joining Kent on "permanent vacation"

    If your wallet will allow you to do it, C then B.
  9. patrickc

    Help Needed 16 Inch Dually Tires

    Would it be possible for you to post a few pics? I'm going to do something with mine in the spring but I'm not 100% sure what. (6" Lift? 35's? etc.) I'm curious to see what yours looks like with the bigger boots. Thanks, P.
  10. patrickc

    Help after intake install

    The 2.5hrs were well worth it though.
  11. patrickc

    2009 f-250 14" lift????

    very purrrdy! Makes the 40's look small!
  12. patrickc

    Twildman chip and shift hunting?

    hmmm.... Maybe it would be best to put in email into Tony I'm sure he would know exactly what is going on. I know what your talking about but kinda lost because it didn't do that for me. Could you please let me know what you kind out though. Thanks, P.
  13. patrickc

    Twildman chip and shift hunting?

    Just a thought but it is the converter going in and out of lock-up. I never had any issue's with it on mine but I did have a fairly stout tranny and I did the torque converter lock-up mod also so I could control TC lock-up at the flip of a switch. Cheers, Patrick.
  14. patrickc

    Help after intake install

    I pulled the turbo. It took me 2.5 hrs but I had problems splitting the turbo in order to gain access to the compressor wheel.
  15. patrickc

    LED Cab lights

    You're right. The new don't like to mix with the old and the old don't like to mix with new.
  16. patrickc

    Help after intake install

    The wicked wheel cured mine with the same intake and an custom chip.
  17. patrickc

    My Truck (pic)

    Thanks for explaining it too me.
  18. patrickc

    LED Cab lights

    They are a different style light but will mount to OBS truck.
  19. patrickc

    My Truck (pic)

    Fisher x blade??? I presume that the 'X' means wider and taller? Sorry, but I've never got into the snow plow game before.
  20. patrickc

    2008 8' Pickup Bed Swap 2000

    Pickup boxes are easy to find around here for the superduty's since the hydro and gas service trucks all have them removed to install work boxes. They average about $1500 bucks around here for mint one including lights and gate.
  21. patrickc

    My Truck (pic)

    Just wondering but how big is that plow? It looks very tall in the pic.
  22. patrickc

    New Owner! Howzit goin' guys? , from canada

    Welcome! Looking forward to seeing some some pics!
  23. patrickc

    LED Cab lights

    I put a set of RECON smoked led clearance lights on my dually. I just got 5 pigtails from the local parts store and saved having to cut my factory wiring. I made all the connections on the bench, then just plugged the connectors in and screwed them down. website- Recon Accessories: Home
  24. patrickc

    oil change

    I only use dino oil too! No synthetic for me.
  25. patrickc

    Want to lift the dually, but...

    I am planning to lift my dually in the spring. I have my heart set on a 6" lift with 35's. I plan on running 35x12.5R17 Mickey Thompson mtz's on the stock rims. My question is...Will I need a 2" spacer for duals or should I go with a 3" spacer just to be safe? How much space is needed...

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