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  1. hammer450r

    got my report on my oil

    It says high on Iron. Average is 17 mine was at 40. Is it something to be concerned about?
  2. hammer450r

    Don't leave me stranded...

    Try a bannana or a potato, i heard they work much better
  3. hammer450r

    Don't leave me stranded...

    Might be the dr pepper can stuck in the exhaust pipe
  4. hammer450r

    Went from ROUGH idle to no start. HELP!

    Maybe valve cover connection for the glow plugs and injectors. Did you check the glow plugs at the valve cover for resistance? It'll tell you if the connection is loose under the cover.
  5. hammer450r

    Flashing OD light, no AC, no Turn signals AHHH

    Alright now i feel even dumber. The two fuses that were bad were ones i put in there with little lights on them. My thinking is they lite up to help you see in the fuse box, NOT to tell you they were bad!!!!!! Too funny!!
  6. hammer450r

    Flashing OD light, no AC, no Turn signals AHHH

    Hey i fixed it, I took steering colunm out of truck and rewired it, all good now, hehe Actually it was a fuse!!!! Im so embarrest i figured i'd make up a story. The fuse looks good butwhen i checked them for power on both sides it popped up that there was a problem. Note to self, never...
  7. hammer450r

    Flashing OD light, no AC, no Turn signals AHHH

    Anybody know how to take off steering wheel?
  8. hammer450r

    Flashing OD light, no AC, no Turn signals AHHH

    It looks like i got major issues, I just want to thank you guys for taking the time.
  9. hammer450r

    Flashing OD light, no AC, no Turn signals AHHH

    and no horn but that is an old issue too
  10. hammer450r

    Flashing OD light, no AC, no Turn signals AHHH

    looks like reverse lights out too grrrr
  11. hammer450r

    Flashing OD light, no AC, no Turn signals AHHH

    I see what your saying i just associate it because of the AC problem from the start. I dont have climate on the wheel but the cruise is on there. Hers list of problems old problems air bag light and no cruise new problems OD light flashing AC clutch wont engage...
  12. hammer450r

    Flashing OD light, no AC, no Turn signals AHHH

    Besides those issues, this problem started with the AC goin to Defrost mode- broken vacuum line to the hub, fixed it then 2 days later pump stopped working played with fuses found nothing and it started working again, then it died again and i started switching 10A fuses to try to trouble shoot...
  13. hammer450r

    Flashing OD light, no AC, no Turn signals AHHH

    Wow your good, no i didnt resolve those issues.
  14. hammer450r

    Flashing OD light, no AC, no Turn signals AHHH

    I had to take them out or it was a 2 and a half hour wait
  15. hammer450r

    Flashing OD light, no AC, no Turn signals AHHH

    Truck also starts and shift to OD just fine.
  16. hammer450r

    Flashing OD light, no AC, no Turn signals AHHH

    Now i did pull a fuse while the truck was running right before this happened, dont know if it has anything to do with it.
  17. hammer450r

    Flashing OD light, no AC, no Turn signals AHHH

    Of course i didnt get the reading it just said it was good
  18. hammer450r

    Flashing OD light, no AC, no Turn signals AHHH

    Well the batteries are good, the one needed alittle charge but was good. I cleaned the terminals and reinstalled and it still is doing the same thing
  19. hammer450r

    Flashing OD light, no AC, no Turn signals AHHH

    Thanks guys ill check it today, ABS light is on too.
  20. hammer450r

    Flashing OD light, no AC, no Turn signals AHHH

    Well i bought the truck a year ago, and he said they were fairly new. Can i check them with a multimeter? I've been having trouble with the vacuum motor losing power and my AC going to Defrost mode. Now that is working somehow, then all this is what i got in return.
  21. hammer450r

    Flashing OD light, no AC, no Turn signals AHHH

    I checked every fuse on the truck, #24 fuse is for AC clutch, turn signals but the fuse is fine and there is power to the fuse. Any ideas where to go to next? thanks
  22. hammer450r

    truck not running right help

    I'll have to look into that thank you. There is a film of oil on the outside of the Y on top of the motor also.
  23. hammer450r

    truck not running right help

    thanks sagebel i checked them all. Well the ones i could see atleast.
  24. hammer450r

    truck not running right help

    Ok that helped alot, i cranked down on the clamps up by the radiator(seemed loose). Still was able to make it studder alittle but its 95% better. Thanks a ton 95 stroker and twildman

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