Recent content by tubzz

  1. tubzz

    no start need help asap

    check the fuel heater fuse in the box under the hood. if blown unplug the heater and put a new fuse in and you should be good to go. the plug is at the bottom of the bowl on the driverside.the heater is the disk in the bottom of the bowl check you high pressure oil pressure while...
  2. tubzz

    rant Turbo leaking oil

    justin OBS turbo's you have to pull the pesdestal and turbo at the sametime. the turbo is bolted to the pedestal from the bottom where a SD turbo bolts from the top.SD are much easyer to remove
  3. tubzz

    rant Turbo leaking oil

    their is something like a felt washer on the inside of the rod.that is the only seal that keeps it from leaking. i have in the past put JB weld around the rod to stop it from leaking. it lasted about 3-4 years before it started leaking again. which would be a easy fix tell the time comes that...
  4. tubzz

    Help Needed Oil cooler/water pump/new leak

    on both my trucks i have loosen the nut and slid it out of the way up the dip stick and cleaned around where the nut go's then put a good helping of rtv around it then put the nut back on. no more problems. you must be carefull not knocked it down in the pan but if you leave the dip stick...
  5. tubzz

    OBS part number list

    Up Pipe bolts up pipe to collector (ford) W301160 up pipe to manafold (ford) W300013 bolt and W300050 nut
  6. tubzz

    Question U Joints going bad- what to do

    rich,do you make house calls? got 2 trucks,food,beer and the tools, LOL
  7. tubzz

    dp chip ???

    5 years of tony saying try this,his got what you need from mild to wild
  8. tubzz

    OBS part number list

    though this is a after markit fuel system. thier is alot of them out thier. BDP system fuel filter pre (car quest) 86913 (napa)3913 after (car quest) 86911 (napa)3911
  9. tubzz

    doing ball joints

    you know i will be calling ,i just have get a few tools needed for the know you have a good wife when she wants to go tool shopping. thanks to all for the long part list and all the help
  10. tubzz

    doing ball joints

    thats the only way to go do it,if i have to dig at it to fix it i will replace what is their that would go bad on down the road
  11. tubzz

    doing ball joints

    thanks,yes i have done brakes and rotors ,swap out her auto lockers for warns,i just never been passed the spindles. their is alway a first time and i'm jumping in with both feet. i think i will do her truck first then if i screw it up i know to have mine done LOL
  12. tubzz

    doing ball joints

    believe it or not, i have never done ball joints on anything. so is their a right up or anytricks i should know before hand? what else is their that can be changed when i have it apart? sorry for all the questions but if i can build 2 of these trucks and keep them running. i think i can do ball...
  13. tubzz

    LPOP/HPOP questions.experience with these is seriously needed

    check that nut when not running. its the tin nut thing that holds the magent on the ipr. as for you dash gauge moving i think thats in your program only because i have a few burns that the gauge does that after i get off it.
  14. tubzz

    LPOP/HPOP questions.experience with these is seriously needed

    just thought of something. check that tin nut on the IPR or IPR's. i had one that was just a little loose screwing with me when i first went to the 2 IPR's set up. if it is loose that will kill the oil flow or screw with it anyway

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