Recent content by Strokin05

  1. S

    more exhaust questions

    thanks guys..I dont know I may just save the money!! hahaha I guess I am cheap....LOL Shiftin 6.0 pm sent
  2. S

    more exhaust questions

    Yes I have hard of that but don't know how true it is since alot of people run turbo back straight pipes....but the muffler delete sounds good, kind of sounds like a plane at idle, and is a little louder than stock!! I like it to be honest with you and I believe it only cost me like 40 bucks for...
  3. S

    more exhaust questions

    I have an 03 6.0 that I am thinking about putting an exhaust on...currently I have the muffler delete, and other than that the truck is stock...What kind of gains sound/performance wise would an aftermarket exhaust kit give me?? Truck will stay mostly stock except and exhaust, and pillar...
  4. S

    05 F-250 check engine light

    I should know tonight what they found...thanks for the info! I told him it was time to get a Stroker!!
  5. S

    05 F-250 check engine light

    oh we will! I was just wondering if anyone has had this problem or heard anything about it
  6. S

    05 F-250 check engine light

    my dad has an 05 F-250 which he bought new, 5.4, auto, FX4 it has 13k on it and this is the 4th time it has had the check engine light come on..They replaced the EGR the first time, and the last 3 times it has been a lean condition with no codes..anyone have any insight??? Thank you, Mike
  7. S

    HELP! odometer flashed test, now at 888888.8

    the battery reset worked!!! thank you, i appreciate it, Mike
  8. S

    HELP! odometer flashed test, now at 888888.8

    i know of that trick i am going to try that!..and let you guys know..its weird I have never seen something like this!
  9. S

    HELP! odometer flashed test, now at 888888.8

    I just filled the stroker up with some fuel, and before i left the gas station i hit the trip/reset button, it read test, then went to 888888.8 and will not reset..some one help me please!!! the truck is an 03 6.0 thank you MIke
  10. S

    97 f-250 down!

    well the truck had some frame damage on the pass side...belt is on ps pump is turning just no steering..hard to turn cant get it past the play in the box...i though it might have had some trans damage...if you put the truck in neutal, and start it up, it will drive..still no steering, and will...
  11. S

    97 f-250 down!

    The truck is a buddy of mines....It was in an accident nice looking truck but it is a big mess between the shop/lawyers/him. the body shop f*d him around I'd say...No steering at all! brake lights I will have to check for..
  12. S

    97 f-250 down!

    hahahaha that would be great if that was it..If i turn the key on to unlock the column the truck will shift out of park, but will not shift out of park when the truck is running..also truck has no steering! HELP!
  13. S

    97 f-250 down!

    Cant shift it on the column at all...
  14. S

    97 f-250 down!

    well fellas I appreciate the help, the truck is running...But now it wont shift out of park... We repalced the batteries, the starter, and maxi fuse #22.....Thank you for your help...any suggestions on the the shifting aspect??
  15. S

    6.0 guys, come on in!

    My truck was built in april of 03...Clean oasis, no problems with 52k on the clock....knock on wood..but this has been an excellent truck...I love it!

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