Recent content by RandyH

  1. RandyH

    Question What did you do to your truck today?

    Good advice on the hair spray for the boots. I've done that before but not since the work was done by the outside shop. Holds the boots much better. However, the saga continues as the truck continues to fall apart around me (or with me!). The truck started blowing white smoke again a couple of...
  2. RandyH

    06 will crank but not start

    No problem, hope it gets you going again. Let us know how it works out.
  3. RandyH

    06 will crank but not start

    I'm certainly no expert but you may need to step back a minute and regroup. There are some troubleshooting tips around the Internet for no start conditions. Before you spend a lot of energy chasing things, you should do what Dave mentioned and check for any codes. You could do this yourself with...
  4. RandyH

    06 will crank but not start

    If 7.3l, check these out links out.
  5. RandyH

    06 will crank but not start

    There is not a 3/4" nut for the solenoid that I'm aware of on the 6.0l. Is your truck a 7.3l? I believe it has the 3/4" nut you mentioned. Will take a quick look.
  6. RandyH

    06 will crank but not start

    Here's an Internet pic of the IPR valve itself and what it looks like under the turbo on mine. Hope that helps.
  7. RandyH

    Fuel in the Coolant

    And last is the actual video I took of the injector bore leak when I pressure tested it.
  8. RandyH

    Fuel in the Coolant

    And a really good pic from Accurate Diesel's site showing the common location of the cracks where there is a thin casting wall (black arrow). The stock injector cup (replaced with an extended cup in the pic) is the shorter one shown to the side and the cracks typically happen just above the...
  9. RandyH

    Fuel in the Coolant

    A few more pics that might be of interest showing the cab off during the head replacement and the second head that was tested with dye penetrant to detect the valve seat micro cracks.
  10. RandyH

    Fuel in the Coolant

    in another thread I mentioned I'd had a cracked injector bore that resulted in fuel contaminating the coolant and replugging my year old oil cooler. Thought I'd post a pic of the resulting coolant sludge as it really shows what happens when the two mix and the importance of a good flush...
  11. RandyH

    Question What did you do to your truck today?

    Overall the trip went reasonably well if you call having the intercooler boot at the turbo blow off three times in 100 miles. Finally got it cleaned up enough and the clamps cranked down tight enough that we made it up the big hills with the toy hauler and all the way back (another 200 miles)...
  12. RandyH

    Question What did you do to your truck today?

    In the past month, I ended up dropping some major cash into my 6.0l. Started with fuel in the coolant from a cracked injector bore on the driver's side head and went downhill from there. Seems there is a somewhat common spot in the head castings just above the injector cups that cracks and...
  13. RandyH

    5R110 Transmission Longevity?

    Thanks for the input. I agree that heat seems to be the biggest killer and that's what took out my trans on my old '99 many years ago. It was very easy to get high temps with the small cooler that was stock. When I changed the stock cooler out for a 6.0l cooler, my temps dropped about 30 degrees...

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