Recent content by mark6403av

  1. M

    steamy tailpipe.

    The seaping of the rad cap, and even seaping after you changed it. Sounds like head gaskets. The bad thing is, you can't test coolant pressures under load, because you have a BIG coolant leak. So you spend all the money to do the EGR cooler, just to find out, all that has to come back apart to...
  2. M


    I burn everything I can find. I filter it and mix with no problems. Used trans fluid is the best. NEVER in a 6.0, or newer it will give you lot's of problems.
  3. M


    What kind of truck do you have ?
  4. M

    FYI Blue and White smoke

    If the truck is all stock, like you said. ( no exhaust or chip ) you'll be ok.
  5. M

    Coolant Filter Kit

    I ordered 1 extra filter, is there any part stores that have them ? ( cheaper ) I've also been looking into a coolant additive, ( to clean ) Schaeffer Oil 3.0 | Industrial Lubricants | Diesel Fuel Additive | Synthetic Motor Oils. I've never heard of them, but just seen a show. ( local )...
  6. M

    Coolant Filter Kit

    Thanks all, it's on the way.
  7. M

    Coolant Filter Kit

    Hello, so were do I get the best, and cheapest coolant filter kit.
  8. M

    2002 7.3 Coolant Temp runs hot with load

    Just got home. On the way the truck was getting warm again. I pulled over, and checked everything out. Found out the truck wasn't holding pressure. Replaced the cap with OEM. All is good. Thanks again to all.
  9. M

    2003 6.0 problems

    Good for you. Great experience, and savings:clap:
  10. M

    This is how I feel at the dealer

    That's why a lot of us keep are old 7.3.:notworthy
  11. M

    Time for new batteries?

    That is great life. I'm in Phx, A/Z. If you get 3 years that's great. Agree with everyone. Test both separate, and if one is bad replace both. I have always done that except on my own truck 2 times. And I've been stuck 2 times for it.
  12. M

    Help Needed Transfer Case Problems

    I would remove the driveshaft. Check u-joints, and rear pinoin yoke. (make sure it's not loose) In 2 wheel drive the chain isn't moving. Only when you have it in 4x4. The repetative noise, that increases with speed. Sounds like rear pinion bearings.
  13. M

    Engine running crappy

    That's alway's a quick, easy, and most of all free check. I read somone talk about the cat. (being plugged) 2 15mm nut's, drops the cat down enough to drive a check. After that I can't think of anything else. With out having a scanner on it. You need to have PIDS checked. (sensors) Contribution...
  14. M

    Fuel Filter Sockets

    I don't think it matters if it's a 12 or 6, shallow or deep.
  15. M

    New member

    Great looking truck. You take care and stay warm LOL. If needed I can send you a BIG box of Heat.

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