Recent content by JRJ04

  1. J

    Question Wax/Paint Care

    What are you guys using for wax/exterior care these days? Both my truck and wife's car exterior need some TLC. I've really grown tired of the wax getting into the plastic and leaving the white haze. Seems inevitable no matter how careful you are. I've seen lots of advertisements for the spray...
  2. J

    Hissing Under Hard Acceleration

    Hey guys, been a while! Admittedly, i do not wrench on my 2011 like i used to on my 7.3, so trying to see what i could be getting myself into here before i try to address the problem. Yesterday, i was towing a trailer with golf cart (maybe 3000 lbs total, so not much) and i started to notice a...
  3. J

    garret turbo

    Just my 2 cents...i had the WW installed on my stock turbo of my '02 and all was fine for a few years. Eventually, the turbo went south and it was clear that the shaft was out of balance based on the markings from where the wheel was hitting on the housing. Had a rebuilt turbo put in and had...
  4. J


    i used to go motorcraft until they changed their warranty (which i believe was 3 year free replacement and prorated up to 5?). it was either that or o'riley's super start brand has the exact same warranty. in any case...super starts are in there now.
  5. J

    Oil Leak From Drain Plug

    Highly unlikely that it is anything else, but could be the o-ring on the drain plug has gone bad. In any case, if you don't want to mess with having the dealer replace can pick up a metal pan on ebay for about $60 and do it yourself. Not all that involved, i just didnt want to mess...
  6. J

    Insulating a Camper Shell

    there's a company called hothead headliners that makes headliners for jeeps because they have no insulation. Might see if they could make you something? My parents have this in their wrangler and it has made a night and day difference in the inside temp.
  7. J

    its not a super duty....but

    You're gonna love all that room!
  8. J

    Oil Leak From Drain Plug

    Nope, pan comes right off with 10 bolts or so. put some gasket maker on there, bolt up and refill. all done!
  9. J

    Oil Leak From Drain Plug

    Took it in to the dealer...sure enough...oil pan was bad! They replaced it with the newer pan that is metal now so all is well. My service guy also noticed the egr cooler was starting to leak, so i got a new one of those along with new coolant at 85k miles! All under the 5/100k warranty. Good...
  10. J

    Help Needed Folding Bed Cover Advice

    I ended up going with the BakFlip F1. Great fit and finish, but its leaking pretty bad. Currently in the process of making a warranty claim so we'll see what happens.
  11. J

    Oil Leak From Drain Plug

    My 2011 has the hard plastic oil pan and squirrely plastic quarter turn drain plug. For a while now, I've had a little leak from where the plug is and assumed it was the o-ring going back on the drain plug. So, i went ahead and just purchased a new drain plug and installed when i did my last...
  12. J

    11 year member, haven't been around for 4.

    good to hear you're doing well!
  13. J

    comment Memory Lane

    I'm still around...certainly not as much activity as there used to be, but i check this almost daily.
  14. J

    Help Needed Folding Bed Cover Advice

    Leaning towards the BakFlip F1. Seems to be the most heavy duty in terms of latch system, dent resistance and overall quality. Gotta find a deal on it now!
  15. J

    Help Needed Folding Bed Cover Advice to other forums I go. Appreciate the responses!

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