Hello, the soleniod will activate when you push the horn button. One side of soleniod goes to ground the other is the hot side 12v. Make sure it is grounded to a good ground. And Make sure Compressor is fused correctly. A pressure control dictates when the compressor cuts-in and cuts-out.. So...
Guys, Thanks. Yup WaWa's are on every corner of some intersection. Where are from on the east coast. NJ Pa Del? I' would like very much to get together with some members for lunch or hanging out. Thanks for the responces.
Hello, nice set up you have there. Also the Leslie S5T I have 3 of them in my collection. On my truck I have the same tank as you but two of them and a Viar 480c And a Nathan/Aichime K5la. Looks great and gets peoples attention. Good Luck.
Hello, I Finally joined yesterday. And all I can say what a great site. Alot of good info and write ups. Looking foward to meeting members and enjoying the site.
Thanks, John