Recent content by frankmako

  1. F

    Fuel Gauge Problem

    it was the sending unit. the sending unit was one bunch of rust. it was not making contact inside the plastic housing at the ground area. i should have cleaned the old unit, but i did not want to take a chance. it was not hard to put in the new one. i drop the drive shaft so i could work at...
  2. F

    Fuel Gauge Problem

    Over the last three weeks my fuel gauge will drop to empty and the low fuel light will come on. This does not happen at every start up, just once or twice every other day. It happens after I have driven about one mile. The gauge will show normal fuel level at start up, and then will drop to...
  3. F

    Alternator Problems and/or ScanGauge Problem

    i am now going on my fourth alternator today. also i put in two new batteries. something is killing the alternators or they are just bad. if it hit the alternator with a hammer the battery light will go off and the volts will go back up. at this point i am at a stand still where to look...
  4. F

    Alternator Problems and/or ScanGauge Problem

    2004 F250 with 93k miles with nothing special on it but what it came with from the factory. One month ago my battery light would come on then go off. My ScanGauge II would show below 12 volts when the battery light comes on. I started the alternator and battery checking circuit at several...
  5. F

    Quick coolant flush question?

    don't think so. use one at a time. restore first then the plus.
  6. F

    Oil Pressure Regulator Question

    My 2004 has started a small leak around the bolt head of the oil pressure regulator. I have done all the cleaning and checking to make sure that it is leaking there and not somewhere higher up. I know the O-ring sometimes goes bad. What is the part number for the O-ring? What size of hex...
  7. F

    Radio Clock Display Question

    2004 model with factory AM/FM/CAS/CD player. When I start the truck and/or turn on the radio the display will show the radio station numbers. It will not change over to the clock reading on its own. I have to push the clock button to make it change over to the clock numbers. Is there a way...
  8. F

    Coolant Flush Question

    I know this question has come up before, but I am not clear on the correct answer. I have asked this question on other sites in hope of getting the best knowledge base out there. My EOT – ECT runs between 9 – 12 degrees @ 60 mph on flat ground with some small rises. This test run was for 35...
  9. F

    Which one is Best,,,ScanGauge II or Edge CTS Monitor

    i went with the scangauge ii and the blendmount. works well and the mount looks like a factory install.
  10. F

    How to Turn Off Daytime Running Lights

    i found out how to do it. there is a resistor module infront of the driver side battery next to the headlight. it is under a wire mesh cover/box. unplug the wire and no more daytime running lights. the auto lights still work and all is good.
  11. F

    How to Turn Off Daytime Running Lights

    How can I turn off the daytime running lights on a 2004 Canada model truck?
  12. F

    Which one is Best,,,ScanGauge II or Edge CTS Monitor

    I am looking at adding gauges to my truck. Which one is better, the ScanGauge II or the Edge CTS Monitor? What I am looking for is ease of install,, plug and play. By looking at the pictures of each product it looks like the Edge has a bigger screen to read. Is it hard to see the read out...

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