Recent content by ForumBlue

  1. ForumBlue

    Radio Removal ??

    Is there some kind of trick to removing the radio? I have the Ford stereo removal tools but when I try to pull it out it just seems stuck? I;v stuck the tools in as far as they will go and they do catch for a second but as soon as I really pull hard they just release and pull out. Thanks.
  2. ForumBlue

    Help Needed Need mechanic near Yorba Linda, CA

    Thats not the problem. My Dad has a 7.3 so I went to see what his looked like and it has the same hole in the same place. I do appreciate you trying to help Joe. Thanks.
  3. ForumBlue

    Help Needed Need mechanic near Yorba Linda, CA

    I was able to reach it but still cant tell if its threaded. The hole is only about 1/4" deep then it bottoms out flat.
  4. ForumBlue

    Help Needed Need mechanic near Yorba Linda, CA

    I finally see what I think is the problem. There is what appears to be a hole on the top of the motor in the valley under the fuel filter bowl towards the back. Looks like it's missing some kind of plug of something that should be screwed in there. I cant reach it to see if it's threaded...
  5. ForumBlue

    Help Needed Need mechanic near Yorba Linda, CA

    Anyone used or have any info about DIESEL SPECIALISTS in Placentia, CA.?? They are real close to my house. Just wondering if anyone has good or bad feedback about them??
  6. ForumBlue

    Help Needed Need mechanic near Yorba Linda, CA

    Major oil leak. I need a mechanic near Yorba Linda, CA. Moved here about 18 months ago and have used a local tire shop for a couple minor things but I think I need someone who is familiar these motors for this one. Any help would be appreciated.
  7. ForumBlue

    Help Needed OBD Code P0683

    All good now. New GPCM and no more codes. Past smog. Prolly one of the easiest jobs I've taken on with this truck. Right on top of the motor 2 nuts, 2 plugs, done. I think it took me longer to get my tools out and put them away than it did to do the work. Thanks folks.
  8. ForumBlue

    Help Needed OBD Code P0683

    Thanks for the responses folks. I have a GPCM being shipped to me already. Cross your fingers for me that this solves the problem or my next stop is ford with a bottle of lube.
  9. ForumBlue

    AIH Delete

  10. ForumBlue

    Help Needed OBD Code P0683

    Tryin to get my truck smogged and it failed do to this error code. When I use my code reader it says "Code P0683 Glow Plug Control". Anyone know what this is and how to fix it. Kinda behind the 8ball here. Really hoping this is something you all have heard of and have a fix for. My other...
  11. ForumBlue

    AIH Delete

    Several years ago I removed the AIH and plugged it. Now I have to put it back so my truck will pass smog. I have the part but I do remember how to hook the wires back up. Does anyone have a picture of how to reconnect the wires? Thanks.
  12. ForumBlue

    window motor tips and suggestions

    All good now. Thanks a lot for all the help folks.
  13. ForumBlue

    window motor tips and suggestions

    I think I have another issue. This spring fell out while I was in there. I'm pretty sure I see where it goes and I put it there but there is no tension on it or anything keeping it in there. Any ideas?
  14. ForumBlue

    window motor tips and suggestions

    Thanks for the response. Is it still easier to replace the whole assembly even though I already have the motor off, or have I already created a problem by doing that? YES, I have an ohmmeter but have no idea how to use it?
  15. ForumBlue

    window motor tips and suggestions

    Funny you should mention that. I just got it out and the motor will work to roll down but doesn't even try to go up. I have the switch assembly in my hand how do I check it? If its not the switch and I do need a motor SHOULD i get the whole assembly w/regulator or just get the motor?

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