SDD Junior Member
As the title says, it was a bad day. As a few of you may know my truck has been at Ford since the 19th. I took it in to have the whistling noise checked out and the leak I had. Well, the service manager assured me they knew where the problems were and it would be taken care of. So today, I get the call that the truck is ready to pick up. Well, I had to find someone to take me to get it, so I had the g/f take off work at 3:30 to ensure we would make the 5pm closing time. Well, traffic turned out to be worse than expected and we were not going to make the 5pm closing. I call the service dept and ask if they could just leave it outside, with all the reciepts of what was done to the truck. I also, make sure to tell him not to lock it cause I only have one set of keys, which he has. Well, when I do get to ford its about 5:10pm, the truck is locked. Luckily, some of the sales managers are still around and they call pop-a-lock. After waiting and hour and thirty mins my truck is finally unlocked. So, I jump in the truck, fire it up, let it warm up a bit and start down the road. I did not get a 100 yards from the dealership when I hear a loud pop under the hood followed by a loud grinding noise. I look at all the gauges and notice I have no boost at all. So I turn around and back to Ford I go. Again luckily the sale manager was just closing up, so I get to put the truck in the service bay. So tomorrow I am calling the service manager up to see what is up with my truck now. If any of you all might have some insight, please share. I am assuming, but maybe when they were working on the whistle they didnt get everything back together properly
. I was really looking forward to having my truck back, since I needed it about 3 days ago with all this weather we have been having. But I guess it will be another week or two before I get it back now. Sorry for the long thread but I just needed to vent for a minute or two.