Cloud Booster 500HP
After only six days of ownership and 500 miles the 06 60 is a slob on fuel and needs a JaKe BrAkE☺

there is no jake brake for heui style engines. all you can get is an exhaust brake, that will make a "shhhhhhhhh" sound rather than a "GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR". the exhaust brake will put you through the windshield (works great) but if you want it for cool loud noise - no game!
powerwashing anything is technically bad for it to an extent, and everybody has their experiences and opinions. i powerwash all my stuff, with 3600 psi of boiling hot chemically enhanced goodness and it works great! i have had a few issues here and there, but those were mostly on gassers and the issue was with the spark plug wires/cap/rotor. on my 7.3 the WIF light will come on if i blast around the fuel bowl with the key on, but there is never actually water in the fuel when i drain it so i think its water changing the resistance in the harness connector. im not supposed to powerwash my quad either, but its gets a serious pressure blast after every moto! the biggest thing to keep in mind is dont bury the pressure nozzle inches away from electrical connections, or things like the fuel bowl cap where there isnt much pressure on the rubber oring to seal out extreme pressure. i keep it at least a foot away from things like that and havent had any major issues yet. i powerwash it every time i change the oil, or do any other work on it.
i think the dealer would be hard pressed to prove that you powerwashing your engine bay would be the cause of any warranty type failure. water gets into places such as failed connectors (or IDMS), without the help of a powerwasher.
back to the engine you want it because the 6.0 is a slob on fuel? the engine brake wont help your mileage. also on a side note....can the 6.0 egr system handle high exhaust pressures from a brake, or does it cause faults/CEL ?
WHY do you THINK you need a jake brake ???
better ask yourself why your dealer wouldnt
want you to learn MORE about the truck you own.... although she could use a jake for my work and driving habits.