This Kinda Thing... Is ...Exactly ... What ..Drives me to be so Sceptical and Distrusting about the BIG 3 & BIG ANYTHING.
My Smoke & Mirrors ti raids.
They have Departments that watches this sort of stuff.
ONLY after X millions of dollars in damage and/or X numbers of folks killed or injured, due to a part or system failure, will they admit it. THEN.... they do research and planning to figure out the optimum time to admit it publicly.
In the piece, Ford sez: No deaths or injuries have occured. A few minor accidents have occured. YA, RIGHT.
I knew this CPS thing was in the Class Action/NTSB works, and I kinda felt something was coming when a CPS went from $100+ dollars, to $25 or less.
Deja Vue ?
I can't even guess how many times I've thought about the CPS crapp'n out as I'm going down the "Grape Vine" (I-5)
or "Cuesta Grade" (101) with my Family in the truck and the FW in tow.

NO Brakes, No PS....