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  1. tubzz

    doing ball joints

    believe it or not, i have never done ball joints on anything. so is their a right up or anytricks i should know before hand? what else is their that can be changed when i have it apart? sorry for all the questions but if i can build 2 of these trucks and keep them running. i think i can do ball...
  2. tubzz

    Kitty Litter Cake ,you guys will like this

    Hollowen is comming !!! Want to be forever eliminated from the guest list? Just take this to your next "pot luck" dinner!!! Kitty Litter Cake" * ~ This is *no joke* READ THE INGREDIENTS AND STUFF FIRST AND THEN LOOK AT THE PHOTO... TRUST ME... DON'T LOOK AT THE PHOTO FIRST, BUT...
  3. tubzz

    injector cups?

    how do you install new injector cups? it's not in my CD
  4. tubzz

    exhaust manifold bolts ?

    i need some new exhaust manifold bolts. any body have a part number?or where to find them?(M10 flanged head bolt with special prevailing torque threads)the hardware and parts store said cd has part numbers for every bolt and the engine but the manifold bolts.i need 16 and need them weak-end.
  5. tubzz

    HOT PINK IC pipes

    for her birth day i surprised her with a hot pink IC kit from gtsmotorsports. they turn out real nice but man they are pink.going to get black boots to go with it. now i get to do the 6.0 IC on her truck.
  6. tubzz

    BDP claims another turbo

    the wife waisted her turbo with the stage 1' lasted about 5 months at 40+ of boost with a 1.0 housing.i told her to keep below 30 but thats like telling a kid to not do something. i took the intake tubing off and their is about 1/2in of play in the shaft and the blades are all beat up.go...
  7. tubzz

    removing the AC for good?

    ok,i'm thinking about not putting my AC back on the new motor.i never use it.i like to hear the truck run with the windows down. any draw backs?out side of not having cold their a belt that works with out a AC?or do i need to put something in place for the slack? just makeing sure i...
  8. tubzz

    school me in oil cooler's

    i'm cleaning up some stuff off my engine and i'm down to the oil cooler.are these things clean able?if so how do they come apart?or would i be better off just getting a new one?not for sure if a new comes with the rebuild kit or not.
  9. tubzz

    here's a tuffie ?

    i'm not forsure were to post this :sorry because it's about our 94 F-150 gaser. this truck has been a great(:hail 230000 mile)OBS truck and now it's retired to the drive way as a spare truck. we came home tonight from work tonight and the dome/cargo lights was on. she came home last night...
  10. tubzz

    i give up,i just want to scream

    ok,you guys know my truck is broken problem we have two other trucks right.well she blew a wheel cyclinder on her truck no problem i can fix but it had to wait tell this weak-end.i get that fix then i come up with the idea of jack up the front to look at the front brakes. she has custom...
  11. tubzz

    well i guess its rebuild time

    well i guess its rebuild time/its alive and running ok guys.i am going to post this here instead of the other many people know whats best for someone else truck over their .if you know what i mean.i will post pictures here as it come's along. first off,some of you know me and most...
  12. tubzz

    water temp ?

    i put a water temp gauge in.i put the sencor in the water pump below the t-stat.i tow my camper (35ft TT) back from bdp's and it was running at 210*. then i had a rocker break on it going to work the next i haven't realy got to drive the truck with the new gauge in.i drove it today and...
  13. tubzz

    factory keyless entry

    my viper alarm has shot craps-mad . i just got a ford remote keyless entry,securty and car starter system.its for ford vehicles for 89 to 03 but it only came with a 01-02 wire color and location chart.(it's part # F7AZ-54220K51-AA) anybody put one of these in before? will i get lucky and the...
  14. tubzz

    brake light not working?

    on the wifes 97.the right brake light quit working.i put in a new bulb still don't work.i looked at the wires behind the bumper and found one thats is broke.but it is broke at the grey would i fix this?i thought about cutting the wire off the back of the other plug and wiring it up with...
  15. tubzz

    Drum brakes

    the wifes truck has no peddle,you can pump them up alittle but will bleed down to the flour. i took off the rear passager side drum today.of course a spring fell out when i got the drum off.the front side shoe was kinda hanging their so i think the spring is what holds it in. i have never...
  16. tubzz

    autoenginuity's speedtracer stage1

    i'm getting auto enginuty scan tool and you get speedtrace free with it.i wondering if anyone has try this out? speedtracer what do you guys think?
  17. tubzz

    can't fine a 4" cat back system

    i'm looking for a cat back system for the wife's already has a down-pipe and the cat is gutted.i would loose the cat but when i had mine inspected this last year they told me that it had to be their.they passt it anyway and said they would get me next year for it. anyway,all i can fine...
  18. tubzz

    broke down north of KC

    ok its not me that is broke down, RattlinFord (Josh) is stranded in Rock Port Mo with bad driver side hub and spindle. He is in need of assistance BADLY as he has to be back on the army base in Washington by midnight this Monday. Is there anyone in the area of Rock Port, MO that can help...
  19. tubzz

    running flat no missed

    wife went out and started here truck this had a slight shake to it.when she got to the black top and took off.the truck started shaking about 1500 to 2000 rpm.had know prower.i drove it tonight and on the low end it feels alright.but when you get going it does have a shack and has no...
  20. tubzz

    roll bars for a OBS truck

    i bought the wife a 97 XC 4x4 for X-mas.well she wants a roll bar and matching bumpers with lots of lights.(i think i have made a monster) anyway all i can fine is for SD trucks.any body know a place that has stuff like this for a 97? thanks
  21. tubzz

    its alive

    holy cow stage3's are just freaking will lay black marks in the ecno setting :D . it will peg the egt,boost gauge and the speed-o in a heart bet in high. i will need to get some new programming for it.but with some foot control the egt are very mangable.still have the 3"intakes to do...
  22. tubzz

    doing headstuds

    me and the wife will be doing headstuds next weak-end.i know you have to jack up the cab for the back studs. what all do you have to take off/loosen to get the cab up high anough? their has to be more to it than the 4 cab mounts. we did headstud in a freinds truck but he cut up the fire wall...

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