Recent content by kbud14

  1. kbud14

    Jiffy Lube Tech Crash

    here ya go
  2. kbud14

    Hard times for some.

    about 200 dollars a month. in truck mods. saving for some expensive ones right now though.
  3. kbud14

    IC an a OBS

    Do you have a buyer lined up that has an OBS? need tubes, and early 99 intake spyder. and some minor fabrication of said OBS truck.
  4. kbud14

    How to Deal.....

    Oh and if you need to get away and find yourself in Wooster, im more then willing to sit at a bar (maybe the Nickel or the Nold) and listen. My door is always open.
  5. kbud14

    How to Deal.....

    I do feel bad for you, honestly. People have been in your shoes, and you will get past this. I was warned a long time ago by people that went to ATI 30 years ago... Watch out for them ATI girls. I have found this to be true myself.
  6. kbud14

    How to Deal.....

    Drink to remember, smoke crack to forget.
  7. kbud14

    Arctic Cat make a diesel ATV, saw one today!

    I wonder how crappy red fuel will mess with that engine.
  8. kbud14

    Do I have an issue?!!?

    I just cleaned my EBPV tube today and it was packed FULL. I got what i could with a small screwdriver then heated the tube, slowly, with a torch. I then blew it out with air. Worked great.
  9. kbud14

    finally pics of the new

    nice whip, whip.
  10. kbud14

    California NASCAR race

    That made me laugh. Loudly.
  11. kbud14

    10 cents in 22 hours?

    feed for how long, a day?
  12. kbud14

    10 cents in 22 hours?

    CBOT - Soybean Oil Quotes Open Auction and predicted to keep climbing....
  13. kbud14

    Very cool game

  14. kbud14


    muy bueno
  15. kbud14

    Interesting stuff................

    Boondock Saints!!

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